Voter fraud by mail-in ballot is rampant. The Deep State wants to make it mandatory so they control the vote. California as already stated they will send 20 million mail-in ballots out to people.
If you are forced, if you have no other way to vote except by mail-in ballot. Your vote is still important. Because they intend to cheat, because they intend to alter your vote. Take steps to ensure your vote is protected as much as possible.
Nearly everyone has a camera on their phone or access to one. take a clear picture of the ballot before you make any marks. take a picture of the ballot after you have made your decision. Take a third picture of the ballot next to your identification.
These may become very important in recounts or for evidence at a later date. The best option just to vote in person and require ID to do so. But many citizens live in States controlled by the DS.
Don't let them take your vote. 🙏
I would like to see the President arrange one department ,overseen by a trusted appointee, Set up a website where people who are forced to vote by mail-in ballot can send those pictures in to verify their vote and a separate ,unofficial of course,
Tally be kept. In an effort to thwart voter fraud.
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