People who don’t understand nuance have a hard time embodying complexity. They can’t seem to grasp that yes anger is healthy and shouldn’t be suppressed AND there is a point where the anger takes on a different quality and becomes toxic. Both extremes are true at the same time.
Skillful empathy allows you to show up with grace, compassion and the ability to hold space for people’s experiences AND toxic empathy turns you into a doormat, a servant, a martyr and enables rather than empowers. It’s extractive and self harming. Both are true at the same time
Yes harmful and oppressive systems exist AND sometimes people have a survival strategy of finding power and secondary benefit through playing the victim. Both are true are the same time. And no that is not victim blaming.
Being able to hold the simultaneously hold the complexity of the Relative and the Absolute, the Micro and the Macro, the Both/And Paradox seem like foundational frameworks in most lineages that I have studied. And I’m realizing these teachings are still new for some.
These states where you become polarized to one extreme or the other are also when people tend to become the most rigid and close minded(hence ignorant). Because they think the other persons truth threatens theirs. When it’s just the other side of the pendulum swing.
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