I want to post some graphic pictures of the things people went through because of anu of medcontour, howmuch she has damaged people and ruined so many women.

Please be warned🙏🏾
This is one of anu/medcontour victim that reached out to me when I came out and shared her story!

She came from abroad to do business in nigeria and used the opportunity to do surgery with anu.

She had liposuction and transfer to the lap and this is what she’s currently..
Battling with because of anu’s quackery!

I’ve had many women come up and I’ve seen so many things I can’t even look at.

My issue to small compared to what I’ve seen & this is me warning y’all again about anu/med-contour.

Pls do ur findings before any surgery or stay away.
Fell free to cuss me/the woman or anyone doing surgery bla bla But I won’t be replying anyone.

I want you to know this could have happen to anyone, once you meet anu face to face there’s no going back and people that’s been there would tell you this is true.
I know she would come for me because she has been threatening fire and brimstone to her friends about how she will deal with me and all so if anything happens to me, anu should be held responsible.
A masseuse that did the after care of some many of her victims and of recent a top profile personnel with high complications, that the lady had to delete the pictures cause of fear.

She and her team believe they are untouchable because of her police mum and her backing.
I’m also living in fear but I’ve told everyone about everything and how she should be held responsible if anything happens to me.

she and her mother are not God.
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