I want @realDonaldTrump to hire me as an outside strategist. You’d be surprised how quickly root problems are addressed & resolved, across the board in a myriad of agencies & departments.

Fraud = elimindated
Corruption = resolved
Hostile actors = removed

Here’s what I’d do.
#1. DHS head convenes press conference, showcases hacking of elections infrastructure. Shows hackers changing votes. Says “grave concern”

Mandates watermarked ballots issued by the DHS to each municipality and temporarily bans use of voting machines for 2020.
Creates auditing system to verify voters placed vote. Cross-checks voter profile w/ Social Security Administration.

Implements new “chain of custody” requirements and DHS overview. Cite Brenda Snipes and ‘serious flaws in security’. Cite ‘hostile foreign attempts to manipulate’
#2. Establish new admin position through executive order called the “Executive Review & Control Board” or ERCB. Independently Audits ‘performance’ of government employees, given authority to fire gov employees not ‘meeting requirements’
Systematically fires hostile actors in gov
#3. FCC fires Ajit, replaces w/ Carr.

FCC announces review of Project Veritas proof of ‘intentional falsification of the news’.

FCC issues fines to outlets.

Changes policy from “outlets who knowingly provide false news are fined” to “outlets that publish false news are fined”
#4. Press Sec holds conference showcasing how WHCA credentialed Chinese Government affiliated reporters & cites ‘significant security risk to POTUS’. Establishes new independent organization approved by Secret Service tasked with issuing credentials, seating in Briefing Room.
#5. Establish National Anti-Corruption Bureau within the DOJ but operates ‘independent from DOJ leadership’ comprised of federal prosecutors unwilling to look the other way on official corruption.

Let them run freely, unhindered by undue or coercive influence in politics.
#6. Instruct CIA to launch the ‘Africa Initiative’, to systematically undermine Chinese influence over resources in Africa. Through systematic methodology, employ the undermining and removal of fraudulent leaders within countries propped up & advocating for Chinese interests.
#7. Re-organize the Global Engagement Center in the State Department & employ specialized contractors to examine and analyze foreign hostile state actors and widespread botnet usage via social media.

Create in-house infrastructure via Tech companies to systemically remove them.
#8. Create new Oversight Board via executive action called the ‘Federal Contractors Oversight & Equilization Board’ or FCOEB’

Independently review Contracts for waste, abuse, or impropriety & give ability to terminate contracts based on ‘performance, or poor company leadership.’
It’s called framing, you need to frame a picture before you take official action.

It’s the build up of information through media release piece by piece to create a running narrative, and then the release of a plan of action to combat said released information.
These are just a few things I would immediately do to ensure that the government is working appropriately, effectively and efficiently for the American taxpayer.

There’s been a lot of government corruption, waste and abuse, and these reforms would solve many of those issues.
You can follow @MichaelCoudrey.
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