I'm tired. I'm tired of the news. I'm tired of the people who are tired of the lockdown. I'm tired from getting up early to go for a walk. I'm tired of conspiracy idiots who don't consider the potential life-threatening damage they're doing. I'm tired of being ok with everything.
I'm tired of trying to be productive but not feeling like I'm reaching any goals. I'm tired of getting nervous when I try to just switch off and watch a movie cause I'm not being productive. I'm tired of asking people for feedback on my creative work and getting no answers.
I'm tired of everyone having a different idea of how seriously we should take the lockdown and precautions. I'm tired of the anti-science people and the politicians who can't see anything except politics. But I think I'm mostly tired of being stuck in my head.
Felt tired. Might delete later.
I'm also tired of Mandalorian Season 2 casting leaks, but I'll save that for another day.
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