I guess @united is relaxing their social distancing policy these days? Every seat full on this 737
This is the last time I’ll be flying again for a very long time
Also I guess a lot has changed in 10 days
We are about to land & I just wanted to say a few things. 1) people on this plane are scared/ shocked. 2) I have no idea why most of them are traveling. 3)I am with a group of 25 nurses and doctors who have been working in NYC hospitals for the past 2-4 weeks. We are coming home
4) United flew us here for free. They got a lot of great PR for taking great care of us on the way out including from me. Even from me: https://twitter.com/ethanjweiss/status/1254197942732324867
5) they could have avoided this by just communicating better. They literally just sent an email 10 days ago telling all of us the middle seats would be empty
Also, this was the departure board at Newark when we were there around 12 noon. Not a lot of flights
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