Let's get one thing straight Men Are Not Trash.

Us Feminists try to push this agenda and I think it's very hypocritical when we are fighting for equality.

Think I've gone mad? Let me show you how men are not trash but are our survivors and comrades.

Here are prime examples of what men have done in the community.
Only true hurt can lead you to calling men Trash.
Look at these statistics and tell me if you will ever call men trash again?
Can we feel unsafe with men after reading these stats?
Why would you start a movement called Men Are Trash?
Just look at how men have changed our lives.
Women kill men too you know, read this to understand why.
Here is a list of things men have done to help women when we complain about violence.
Here is a prime example of how men make the world so safe for us and deserve our admiration and love.
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