Hail Mary, what do we have here now? Seems the dad was recently at a Klan rally in Rome Georgia. Confederate flag and robe and all. Had his Confederate gray hat on as well. Pride not hate...right?? Definitely needs some looking into. Former cop. Now imagine all the people he...
arrested and terrorized before . Maybe Travis was doing his rite of passage on Maud...a sort of Klan orientation. Which side are u on people?? Now imagine all the other crooked cops out there with thoughts like him. This pos was law enforcement. Late night traffic stops...
planting evidence perhaps?? Both father and son need to be prosecuted to fullest extent of law. I wouldnt even be opposed to a federal hate crime like Patrick Crusius (Walmart Killer) or Dylan Roof. This is why it is important to vote people. Also the police chief needs to
resign and all those who said this killing was in self defense. I want names with faces.🤔
PSA: This has not been verified or substantiated. Thanks for the original post if true M.B!!!
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