This will probably turn into a thread. The Holy Spirit really held my tongue, last night. I posted my tweet to pastors on IG, and got this comment back: “to whom much is given, much is required.” It is the exact response of someone who does not get it. I have spoken up plenty...
about pastors/leaders needing to be people of utmost integrity. Non-negotiable. At the same time, the attitude behind throwing out statements like this without truly understanding what pastors face is a leading reason for pastor pressure/distress. Satan uses it to discourage...
and even taunt pastors. It was often due the loud criticism of folks for all manner of minutiae my pastor-father suffered the most. As his daughter, it was a real worry that he might drive off and never return or end his life under the pressure. I do not speak for every pastor...
but I do know this life. It can be brutal. I asked last night on IG if any pastor needed prayer to DM me. Many DMs- heartbreaking. Most pastors are well aware of the standards of the position they hold. In the end, we are all FLAWED BELIEVERS. Let’s not be pious.
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