I think Trump's effort to interfere in the election will escalate dramatically. Here's what's happened already:
- he successfully egged on Russia in 2016
- he unsuccessfully tried to extort interference from Ukraine in 2019
- he unsuccessfully solicited Chinese interference
- his protector, Mitch McConnell, has fought against election security bills
- during the pandemic, when people will need to vote by mail, Trump has talked about killing the USPS and his allies in a number of states are trying to make it harder to vote by mail
- when Trump's efforts to extort Ukraine's interference, Senators Grassley and Johnson corruptly took up the investigation Ukraine refused to do
- Barr has opened a back channel for Giuliani to submit dirt on Trump's rival from sketchy foreign sources
- Barr is conducting a nakedly political investigation against those who investigated Trump, to retaliate against them and help Trump in the election
- at one point, Jared was reportedly running the campaign from the White House, turning it into a political boiler room
- Trump objected when ODNI revealed to Congress that Russia is actively trying to interfere in the 2020
- Trump has purged key parts the Intelligence Community and installed loyalists
- Trump may have delayed people's relief checks by demanding that his signature be on them
- Trump, who is trying to rig the election, is spreading a rumor that the process is rigged against him
- Trump had only kind words for the armed lunatics who stormed a state capitol building
- Trump is using the pandemic as cover for his purge of inspectors general and others
- Trump recently appointed a new Postmaster General who is a loyalist and major donor, and he abused his power by pressuring the previous Postmaster General to push for raising Amazon's shipping rates
- After Barr issued a deceitful summary of Mueller's report, dropped Flynn's charges despite a guilty plea & reduced the sentencing for Stone, I'm concerned he could try to influence the election with similarly bogus arrests, accusations or the announcement of new investigations.
. . . and right on cue, here he is laying the groundwork for a refusal to leave office
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