1. I often hear some say: I don’t have a problem with the Chinese people but have an issue with the #CPC (the Communist Party of #China); I love #China but not the #CPC; I hate the Chinese government, not the Chinese people. These are inherently illogical and self-contradictory.
2. The #CPC, set up in 1921, founded New #China in 1949, after years of arduous efforts and huge sacrifices. The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people.
3. Between 1911 and 1949, #China tried Republican system, restored monarchy briefly, had multi-party parliamentary elections, Presidential, warlord system, was invaded by Japan, suffered civil (liberation) war.
4. Following #China’s victory against Japanese invasion, the #CPC called for a multi-party national coalition administration but rejected by the (KMT) government. With support of Chinese people, the #CPC won the liberation (civil) war defeating KMT forces, who fled to #Taiwan
5. The new Chinese central government in 1949 was a multi-party government with #CPC playing the leading role and others joining the government. Today, there are 8 other parties besides #CPC. They are coalition partners not opposition parties or parties out of office.
6. The #CPC before 1949 was a semi-military revolutionary party, mostly composed of workers, peasants, but since new #China, it increasingly represents the cross-section of the Chinese society. The party opened its ranks to businessmen in 1990s.
7. After 1949, the #CPC evolved into a leading/governing party . The Party introduced the reform and opening up poly in 1978 and continued to innovate. China is now the 2nd largest economy in the world, taking 900 million people out of poverty.
8. The #CPC aims to serve the Chinese people whole-heartedly and enjoys support of the Chinese people. The attached chart indicates how popular the #CPC-led Chinese government is
9. The Party has 90 million members. The Party is part of the society. Many are applying to join and only a small percentage of them are admitted. Refusing to deal with the party is literally impossible unless you want absolutely nothing to do with #China, politics or business.
10. The guiding ideology of the #CPC is different from the major parties in the UK but the #CPC is not interested in exporting its ideology. It doesn’t want to copy and is opposed to others imposing their ideology or political system onto them.
11. China suffered tremendous humiliation btw 1840 and 1949. No one cares more about the welfare of the Chinese people than the #CPC and the Chinese government it leads. It is profoundly condescending for any foreign forces to think they can “protect” the Chinese people.
12. The #CPC made mistakes. But it constantly improves, innovates and forges ahead overcoming many difficulties. The Party is a learning party with its political bureau holding regular study sessions, its officials receiving regular on the job training;
13. The Party functions within the framework of the Chinese Constitution and laws. The #CPC has made strides in fighting corruption and holding its members accountable.
14. Given #China’s history, the leadership of the Party is key to 🇨🇳s unity and development. It is a unique and important feature of #China’s political system. You can not understand #China without understanding the CPC.
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