The terves have started a new variant of the age-old "the minority I don't like are all dirty rapists" libel. This one is framed around the language of sexual consent, with phrases like "I don't consent to this", "you're violating my boundaries" and "no means no" being co-opted.
Now maybe deconstructing this is a bit like trying demonstrate why 5G transmitters aren't part of a plot by the Illuminati to turn our children into zombie slaves. But with that said, here goes anyway...
When it comes to sex, of course consent and boundaries are vital, and of course no means no. But that's not what the terves mean. Instead they're disingenuously widening the context of these phrases to other beliefs, to imply that opposing such beliefs amounts to supporting rape.
To meaningfully "set a boundary" your entitlement needs to exceed that of other people. When it comes to bodily autonomy, yes the entitlement is all yours. But when it's no longer your business, "setting a boundary" amounts to acting entitled in the other sense of the word.
The same goes for consent. In matters of bodily autonomy, consent is vital, but in other matters, your opinion counts for nothing. For example, I don't consent to people eating blue cheese (I loathe the taste), but my lack of consent is irrelevant, as it's none of my business.
And it is with these word games that the terfs oppose civil liberties for trans people. They accuse trans people of "violating our boundaries", and shout slogans such as "we don't consent to this" and "no means no". To which the only reasonable answer is "yeah? so what?".
(In fact, they often go one stage further and purport to speak for all women. The slogans then become "violating women's boundaries", "women don't consent to this" and "women said no". This, as opinion polls show, is a blatant lie.)
Not only are these word games a libel against trans people, they also devalue the usual meanings of consent, boundaries, and "no means no". If terves really care about such things, then they shouldn't be dragging them into their sordid hate campaign. [end]
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