1. In light of apparent debate over the Religious Left, a short thread on how it not only exists, but exerts political power in virtually every meaningful way.

I say this as a *reporter/author* who has spent years of my life tracking this movement. https://www.harpercollins.com/9780062935984/american-prophets/
2. Note: there is *nothing* on the left that looks/operates like the Religious Right. The modern left is organized as a coalition of coalitions & often disagrees with itself at *all* levels, religious or otherwise. There isn't a machine-politics apparatus that rivals the RR.
3. Also, people disagree over what counts as the “left,” a debate which is neither new nor settled. Past versions of the left still haven’t been firmly codified by historians, and the modern left sure as heck hasn’t been either.

4. …The left in general—and the Religious Left in particular, although folks disagree on that term—is POWERFUL when its disparate elements (who often have differing positions/agendas) amass around common cause.

The Religious Left has done this many times—including recently.
5. Many people know the myriad of historical examples, of course: the abolitionist movement, the civil rights movement, the labor movement, and literally the American progressive movement itself all have religious roots — these are settled (and obvious) historical facts.
6. A few others may know more recent movements, such as the 1980s Sanctuary Movement where faith leaders defied the federal government and acted on what they said was their religious duty to protect immigrants.

Among other things, their activism created “sanctuary cities.”
7. But what about contemporary examples, you say?

Well that’s literally the subject of my new book American Prophets, where I had to force myself to stop reporting/writing bc there were simply too many examples to list.

Yet folks often ignore the Religious Left, which is silly.
8. E.g., people just…forget that Religious Left leaders and organizations played a pivotal role in passing the Affordable Care Act.

That’s not me saying that—Barack Obama himself said it would not have passed w/o the aid of Catholic nuns. Not a superlative he just threw around.
9. “That’s too old!” you say.

Okay, well how about the Moral Mondays movement in North Carolina, a faith-led movement that became the largest US liberal protest of 2013 and proved to be so powerful that it's credited with unseating the state’s Republican governor in 2016?
10. Okay, but what else?

Well how about the religiously rooted racial justice movement, which had to do a lot of work to win back the favor of modern progressive activists in Ferguson but ultimately *stared down white supremacists in Charlottesville?* https://archive.thinkprogress.org/clergy-in-charlottesville-e95752415c3e/
11. Yeah, but what do protests REALLY do?

Well, the faith-led New Sanctuary Movement has managed to get deportation orders deferred/dropped by housing immigrants in their houses of worship in direct defiance of federal authorities.

And related activism is winning in the courts.
12. Okay, but what have they done on global issues like climate change/the environment?

Well, 1: Pope Francis.

And 2: Allow me to introduce you to the spiritual Indigenous rights movement to protect sacred land—there are activists in Hawaii *right now* praying/protesting daily.
13. Okay but what I REALLY care about is economics.

Well, @AOC says she decided to run for office after having a spiritual experience at Standing Rock. Also religious activists were at Occupy. And religious dem socialists ( @CornelWest, @lsarsour, etc.) campaigned for Sanders.
14. Nevermind @RevDrBarber, @liztheo, and the Poor People’s Campaign. Or, like, @sr_simone busing around the country decrying the GOP budget and delivering a primetime speech at the 2012 DNC (w/a standing ovation) and having the ear of the Obama admin.
15. Yes, well, faith groups have hamstrung LGBTQ equality!

True! Except for when they didn’t: e.g., the career of Bishop Gene Robinson or playing major roles in same-sex marriage campaigns or when progressive clergy *brought the lawsuit* that legalized marriage equality in NC.
16. Okay but like the big white liberal mainline Christian denominations are dying?

Well, 1: Back Protestants exist.

2: The modern Religious Left is DEEPLY interfaith, with Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others all occupying prominent positions and flexing political muscle.
17. Okay, but it’s not like they’re playing a role in electoral politics!

1: Black Protestants and their mobilization are a HUGE reason why Democrats win (e.g., Doug Jones), as are other religious votes.

2: I mean…did you WATCH the Dem primary? https://twitter.com/jackmjenkins/status/1111245298876203009?lang=en
18. And here’s the thing: That’s a FRACTION of what I cover in my book, much less what I’ve uncovered (and continue to uncover) in my daily reporting.

The Religious Left is active, mobilized, & influential—that’s a fact. They just don’t look/act like the RR, so folks miss them.
19. If you want more, feel free to grab my (just released!) book.

Or watch this space as I keep reporting on them, bc regardless of whether folks think they exist, the Religious Left will keep organizing: the faiths they claim don’t give them a choice. https://www.harpercollins.com/9780062935984/american-prophets/
You can follow @jackmjenkins.
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