Food should be primarily eaten for fuel.

The moment you associate eating food with pleasure is the moment you have chosen to drown in the pit of chaos, although, on the surface level you'll be tricked into feeling good because fructose corn syrup tricks your brain.
The problem with most of the people living in this era is they have already associated eating food with seeking pleasure because that's what they have been taught by society, family & friends.

They have unconsciously chosen chaos.
Coming out from this pit is really tough because junk food is engineered to make you crave it & get hooked on it so that corporations can profit at your expense.

They don't care about anything else. They capitalise on your weaknesses.
Only people who have never been into this hedonistic cycle are the ones whose parents chose to discipline them whilst they were small age and also embodied being fit.

That's why parenting & disciplining children is so much important, and to think it's only getting worse..
If you weren't taught like most of us, and are on your own in this, you'll face lots of difficulties externally (friends, family, society etc) and there'll be many internal battles(desire, addiction, feeling fulfilled).

But coming out from it will be absolutely worth it.
Eating healthy, moving your body & being fit won't fix your life automatically but it will definitely give you a good baseline from which you can upgrade on other areas.

Your willpower & focus will certainly grow, depending on how much overcame and your training methodology.
And it's never too late.

All being fit, eating healthy & having adequate amount of muscle mass requires is consistency & discipline.

Even if you feel lazy, force yourself for 3-6 months regularly atleast 4 times a week, & then once you see results momentum will take over.
And once you get into that momentum and start thriving/getting results, you'll look back and always wonder "Why was I procrastinating?"

Start today! Cut off sugar & processed food. Eat veggies, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, nuts. Go for a walk. Run. Pushups. Squats. Whatever.
Your future self will forever be grateful to the steps you took & the hurdles you overcame.

Choose what's best for you in the long term rather than drowning in hedonism.

Hope this thread motivates you to take those steps and upgrade your lifestyle.
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