I've been trying to follow this when time allows, and as I understand things currently, there are no governments aside from the global postal union which manages all military/ shipping/ banking. Most if not all of us are lost/dead vessels which were trapped/tricked into slavery.
This does have to do with the STRAWMAN, but it's much deeper than that and goes down to the fundamental layers of society we we're never taught. : Russel-Jay: Gould is the Postmaster General for the United States and may be the only living person in the country.
Meaning, he claimed his birth right after gaining control of the Postal Union with mathematical based grammar. Termed Parse Syntax Grammar. When it was created, it voided all contracts which did not adhere to it. This gets me to my next thought, I think he is waiting for or..
eventually going to make a move towards this: https://twitter.com/twistersage/status/1178980586876219397
It reminds me of this, to me this sounds like regeneration or resurrection:
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