80k is really massive considering BTS fans did 86k with vinyl single, 2 version.
and obviously their fanbase is much bigger and dedicated than them.

so it is interesting. But I did see them extremely dedicated and organized, buying like crazy.
like I saw 1 twitter fan account with 40 donors ready for payment, 1 insta fan account with posting paying for US fans and that post had over 1k like. they were on it.

and theoretically 1 person can add Almost 100 download as there were many versions.
so in lowest, they only need 300 US fans to make 30k sales.
it's crazy but those type of buying is common in K-POP, and achievable If 1 person willing to spend $1,000 to boost your fav's number. + easier with well organized donations.
Also note that BTS fans are more focused on album buying and streaming than single buying as their album is released on same week as single.

Imagine If they have single first with physical single and their fans do mass buying.. they can go #1. lol
anyway, there are still some fish thing about whole thing.

1. you don't need account for merch shop
2. you can write any US address for billing address.
is this mean non-US fan can buy with fake US billing address and counted?
3. is there any system to catch that?
whenever there's case like this, - fan's mass buying or international fans bying/streams- they simply say there's method But nielsen never provide that. in fact, there words seems there's no system at all other than they guess it by looking at overall and review case by case.
even Billboard's own article once said "While the methods are still unclear".

no account required for merch shop, what if I buy 50 times with different card or paypal with writing different fake billing address and different email?
how they will distinguish those mass buying?
@RocNation @theestallion
Megan's team should ask billboard to review those massive merch shop sales. verify US sales, remove mass buying, suspicious numbers.

3,477 sales from 1 twitter account..
doja team working with them.
"spread the word to takeover our website and buy as much things as possible"

getting advise from merch shop provider to manipulate the chart.
Using fake, random US Billing Address.

@gthot20 review the d2c numbers.
btw, not D2C. D2F(direct to fans)
Apparently the cat girl team's DM was fake made by them fans. I got it from their twitter, no edit. it was all over there, everyone believing it. and none of them told me it's fake until cat girl team said fake. (all after I tweeted it.. lol)
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