I've been studying this for a good solid month, and here's the best I got...

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. He killed him with 3 (very small possibility of 2) shots from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository.
Let's break this puppy down.

There was no grassy knoll shooter. The grassy knoll certainly seems like a good spot to shoot Kennedy from, but A. there is a huge parking lot behind the shooter and it's not at all inconspicuous, and B. there is zero physical evidence to support it.
There was no conspiracy.

The hard part about conspiracies is that they are almost impossible to disprove, but the bullets that hit Kennedy were fired by Mannlicher Carano rifle, which is a cheap, hard to operate weapon.
It's hard to imagine that the CIA, the mafia, Cubans, Russians, or someone else would choose that weapon and an assassin with all the red flags that LHO had to kill the prez. Oswald was a nut, who ballistic evidence later tied to the assassination attempt on Gen. Edwin Walker.
The only thing that I tend to disagree with the Warren Commission on, is that I believe that Oswald did not fire 3 shots in roughly 5.6 seconds. I believe that his first shot missed closer to the corner as the limo made the left from Houston onto Elm.
This adds 3-4 more seconds, which is much more feasible for 3 shots and 2 direct hits to strike Kennedy. Ballistic evidence shows that there is nothing magic about the magic bullet theory. The round did exactly as it does when firing into soft tissue.
It easily ripped through Kennedy, then tumbled end over end before ripping through Gov. Connelly. This has been replicated multiple times with ballistic testing, and explains the irregular entrance wound on Connelly.
As for the fatal head shot, many have concluded that his head went back and to the left, but that is how every ballistics test reacts to that shot with a Carcano rifle. It reacts differently and fragments into pieces because it travels through bone (JFK's skull), not soft tissue.
I also don't believe that Jack Ruby killed Oswald to cover anything up. I think he was chummy with the DPD, so he used that to kill Oswald. He was well-known for loving attention, and I truly think in his twisted mind that he thought he was doing a good thing by killing Oswald.
It's still the most fascinating historical event in modern American history to me, and there is so much to learn about and learn from it, but who killed JFK certainly seems pretty obvious.


Pardon the confusion, The Warren Commission does allow 8.3 seconds for these 3 shots, which is not only doable, but not very hard according to people that know more about guns than me. The 5.6 seconds is assuming two separate shots hit Kennedy and Connally.
Basically, it looks like I agree with pretty much everything in the Warren Commission Report.
The "magic bullet" isn't the one that entered his skull. It's the one that entered his back and exited his neck
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