Create a small personal site to run tests and get better at improving mobile load speeds. Here's what I've learned (thread):
- Most speed ops plugins make scores worse
- After completing all opportunities in Lighthouse, I still can't get passed a 97 (averages 96).

More below...
- Reduce plugins as much as possible
- Deferring 3rd party tracking scripts is a MUST
- Had the best luck using Autoptimize to optimize resources.
- Most speed optimization plugins slow down your site more than they help, by at least 10 points.
- Don't use any automated features in optimization plugins. Customize it!
- Don't use plugin CDNs. Just use CloudFlare
- Using Cloudflare makes a difference. Took me from 86 to 92.
- Use ImageOptim to strip ExIf data before uploading.
- Only upload the exact max size you need, if possible.
I'm terrible at proofreading my tweets, so please forgive my typos.
You can follow @seocounseling.
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