hello! a lot of people say ryan’s dypraxia goes untalked about or is forgotten so here is a thread of ryan moments that make him v dyspraxic though it may not seem it!!

I’m going through all of the episodes and picking out stuff so this will be added to over the next few days :)
quick disclaimer: every dyspraxic person’s dyspraxia is very different which is why it can be hard to pick up on. these are things I have picked up on that I have experienced myself as someone with dyspraxia (Ryan and I are v similar)
dyspraxia definition!!

Dyspraxia is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults.

it can be affect stuff like climbing/drawing/understanding information/handwriting/thought process, lots of different things!
let’s start with the most obvious ones in twwfte: not being able to ride a bike due to struggle to coordinate, a lot goes on riding a bike!! your body has to compute a lot at once and that can be hard for the brain to process
climbing ladders: this one crops up a few times, it can be hard working out how to use a ladder as, just as with the bike, your body is doing a tonne of dif things.

once I got stuck on the top bunk of a bunk bed for half hour cause my brain couldn’t work out how to get downdhsjd
this scene is actually one of my favourites of s11 purely because thirteen absolutely NAILS it on how to deal with a dyspraxic person struggling to compute

tell them they’re doing good and will get it, give them a coping mechanism if they need it, help them to carry on
I know this one is more comic relief but regarding this scene

ryan thought he knew the situation because he played COD, a pretty organised, structured game

he then launched himself into a chaotic, non structured situ and could NOT handle it, common dyspraxic behaviour (1/2)
people with dyspraxia thrive when everything is organised and they are familiar with the structure or it all just goes very wrong and they can lose track of it all!! so, as well as not succeeding due to making a stupid decision, he had no chance of coping due to the chaos (2/2)
assuming that something has gone wrong because he interfered.

he doesn’t know the TARDIS interface v well and it will most likely take him longer to learn it than the rest of the fam due to slower processing so he’s probs more aware he could cause a problem. I do this a lot!!
getting distracted and forgetting the task you were meant to do

ryan forgot that he was meant to be serving coffee at rosa’s meeting because he got so wrapped up in introductions. if you give someone with dyspraxia 2 tasks in a row, they often forget the first until reminded!
getting distracted by something in the middle of someone else talking/zoning out of conversation to focus on a distracting object

this one always makes me lol because it’s my entire school career in one thirteen/ryan interaction
quite literally whenever ryan thinks out loud and makes no sense at all to anyone around him such as this gem:

yaz’s face at him... he’s just trying to tell himself the info he’s got and process it let him be babe lmao
this may just be tosin’s run but compare it to prem and thirteen running... ryan’s not the most coordinated is he? 🤣
this!!!!! just this!!!!

it takes a while to learn a process, even if it’s a simple, repetitive one! however, when you get it, you’ve got it, which makes thirteen’s “you’re a ninja at this” a completely valid take.
personal fave “dyspraxi-question” as my family calls it

his brain is probably trying to apply the logic but hasn’t fully processed it, so weird q’s like this that you’d ask yourself in your head just get said out loud to everyone’s surprise

graham handles it like a pro though
the v dramatic basketball sequence that opened spyfall

ryan vs throwing an object

you would be surprised how hard it can be for someone with dyspraxia to throw and catch, there’s a slim chance for success even after years of practice
ryan’s got a lot to remember or else he’ll blow his cover and, with the timeframes of this ep, he was probs told it about 5 mins ago.

when he goes into a panic he just repeats the information he knows, possibly in an attempt to get his brain into gear and process the new facts
hello and welcome back to ryan is dyspraxic and therefore in a high intensity situation just regurgitates all the facts he knows even though he’s not supposed to tell the guards
adding this scene in purely just because I love when yaz just goes with ryan’s mad ideas and says things like this, be this friend to your pals with dyspraxia it’s always more fun that way
the train jump scene!

like the throwing and catching thing I mentioned earlier, people with dyspraxia often find it hard to judge distance; ryan falters thinking he won’t make the distance

yaz putting her arm out gave him support, reassurance and a judge of distance
you know when you have to perfectly cut along a line with scissors? or in a dissection at school where there’s an exact point you have to cut with your scalpel?

when you’ve got dyspraxia, coordinating that and staying in line takes a lot of focus, especially when out of practice
this one always makes me laugh because you can see the cogs whirring in his head until he realises and cracks a joke, all proud of himself. sometimes you need things explained a different way to get them, looks like graham needed it too
ryan vs a task he’s never done before

I really appreciated the flailing as he was trying his best to work it out at speed, I felt seen
this scene always makes me laugh because you’ve got thirteen in front falling about trying to get out of byron’s way and ryan in the back exaggerating all his movements/rises to make sure he gets it all right and doesn’t forget the complex sequence
Quick break away from the chronology of the thread and a revisit to kerblam because I somehow forgot this moment!

Keeping your balance, especially on a moving item is very hard and can be scary for someone with dyspraxia. On behalf of all the dyspraxics, Ryan we salute you.
Genuinely don’t know how I forgot that because it’s one of the most terrifying scenes and I would NOT want to be on those conveyor belts

Thank you to @jinjinie for alerting me to this one!
right back to s12 dyspraxia evidence!

ryan gets separated off from the group as he ducks out from running. he’s already not the most coordinated runner and now he has all the added stimulus of the laser beams, he probably had to stop as he couldn’t handle everything going on
when the fate of the universe rested in ryan’s poor ability to throw... cannot tell you how tense this was on first watch
ryan truly deserved this celebratory moment as it’s very rare that this actually happens

when I tell you my whole family cheered with him, iconic
okay, that’s all the examples I’ve picked up on of ryan’s dyspraxia! I’m sure there’s a few more that I’ve missed so feel free to reply with any more you find.

this part of him hasn’t been forgotten about!

I hope this thread helps in understanding dyspraxia a bit more :)
also, all my dyspraxics reading this: ryan’s dyspraxia literally caused an alien invasion, so if you ever get asked what your dypraxia is or some common traits, just tell people you can start alien invasions, it will bring you SO MUCH joy.
anyway, this is me signing off, have a good day all, bye!
I’m back as I’ve just been alerted to more uncoordinated Ryan running!

Thank you to @mrsjmccrimmon for pointing this one out :)
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