"وليجدوا فيكم غلظة"

An act of worship ignored and abandoned by Muslims today who are suffering from the inferiority complex, and humiliation of living under the control of the disbelievers.

Allah is commanding the believers, that the disbelievers should see from you aggression,
roughness, toughness, firmness and harshness. They should feel that you are superior to them, that you are more honourable, and the religion you’re upon is the ONLY correct religion.

Oh Muslims in India, show these barbaric dirty polytheists your strength, fulfil the commandment
of Allah by implementing this abandoned act of worship.

Allah had originally given permission to those who have been oppressed to defend themselves, then he commanded them to defend themselves.

Your friends, supporters and protectors will only ever be the Muslims.
Everyone else is waiting for the right time to stab you in your back.

You will never be safe under the rule of the disbelievers.

Unite with your fellow brothers, strengthen yourselves, prepare yourselves financially and physically, and then plot against those trying to kill you
Stay close together, stay in groups, stay in areas that you are the majority, defend your womenfolk, kids, elderly and yourselves.

Know that war is deception.

May Allah protect the Muslims worldwide and humiliate those oppressing, terrorising and murdering them.
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