the last time i went for umrah, aku dah pasang niat nak jugak cium hajarul aswad. Dalam otak aku terfikir hari ke 4 untuk cium. First day sampai third day aku try, memang tak dapat .. dah nak dekat tapi tetiba kena tolak jauh kebelakang. [sambungan]
the fourth day aku cakap “okay today is my last chance to kiss it, kalau tak dapat tak ada rezeki lagi”. Bila aku sampai masjidil haram, ramai gila org compared to last 3 days walaupun sedikit patah semangat tapi aku still try untuk cium hajarul aswad [sambungan]
aku tawaf dulu 7 kali then habis tawaf aku try untuk dekatkan myself towards the hajarul aswad tapi it took another round of keliling kaabah. Suddenly, ada orang tepuk bahu aku tanya “nak cium hajarul aswad ?” aku cakap “nak” . [sambungan]
the person hold my hand and jalan straight menuju hajarul aswad like there wasnt anyone. Aku terkejut sebab hari-hari sebelum ni aku asyik kena tolak. But that day, orang tepi aku still ramai tapi aku tak rasa kena himpit/tolak langsung [sambungan]
sampai depan hajarul aswad, orang tu tolak kepala aku untuk cium. Aku terus cium without bothering anything. Then bila dah habis cium, aku pusing belakang untuk cakap “thank you, tolong saya” , the person was no longer there [sambungan]
but during few seconds that i kissed hajarul aswad, aku rasa org tu pegang kepala aku. Then i got lifted to the back by orang2 yang nak cium hajarul aswad . Till today I wonder who’s that person. Aku bersyukur sangat sebab dapat achieve my goal .
Im still wondering if he’s a legit person atau kiriman Allah untuk tolong aku tunaikan hasrat aku. Apa-apa pun, miracle does exist dekat Tanah Haram. I would say that’s my best trip ever 😭
some pictures during my last visit (jan 2016) it was so cold !
on a side note; day 2 spect aku patah masa try nak cium hajarul aswad :( so jangan pakai spect tau ! days after that pkai contact lens je
another story : my small brother is an autism kid back then when our first umrah, he was 9. But as you guys know, autism kid dia memang susah nak control and they dont act their age. On our 3rd day, my maid,mom and my brother yang autism pergi buat umrah waktu pagi [sambung]
balik my mom menangis-nangis cakap adik i hilang bila buat saie, we literally looked up for him every way possible. Bayangkan dekat masjidil haram tu ramai gila orang and we looked up yo him dekat masjid, mall and our fav restaurant but he wasnt there [sambung]
kita org cari sampai zohor but still tak jumpa. everyone cuak gila termasuk our mutawif, but suddenly... after asar someone knock our hotel door , and it was my brother yang autism tu.. *our hotel was nearly 600m from masjidil haram* [sambung]
kitaorg bersyukur gila he got his way back, and my parents asked where did he go. He said dia buat umrah lagi sekali and then pergi makan dekat food court 😭 bayangkan cuak kitaorg dengar benda tu. He did everything by himself ! But alhamdulillah he got his way back.
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