I don't want to say this with snark or anything, but one lifestyle thing is truly don't understand, to my core, is how people in the densest cluster of public transit in North America have such high Uber bills. This fella ain't alone. Also has Presto card. Lifestyle!
I suppose because I grew up in the depression, I still look at taxis/ubers etc as last-resort-late or a treat. It's burning money for little good!
I admit I don't have a Bluetooth speaker and have wanted one for a long time so I looked up the B & O one he bought and I think I want that one.
I do think these profiles offer lots of for activists/advocates/politicos - how do you connect/relate/etc around issues of precarity & value of social safety nets & such (not personal to this fella, obvs). Lifestyle is the biggest driver of world view. How do you get inside it?
(And again, no guff to this fello for agreeing to the profile - it's hard to say no - I did one for EYE WEEKLY in mid 2000s - "My Apartment" I think it was called - but TorStar destroyed the Eye web archive so I'm free and clear!)
Find it if you can, suckas.
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