you eat pork, have tattoos, drink alcohol, curse, have sex before marriage, disrespect your parents, praise celebrities like they are God, use the Lord’s name in vain, lie, murder and steal but LGBTQ+ is where you draw the line? i HAVE to laugh.
only part in the bible that mentions “homosexuality” is “man shall not lie with man” which was written by a disciple. but if you read further it says “women shouldn’t wear trousers” and “men should have long hair” so how does that hold less weight?
as far as i see it if it wasn’t important enough for Jesus Christ himself to explicitly say “hey, don’t be gay” then i don’t understand why modern day Christians are so bothered by it. but interpret your book how you want it.
a sin is a sin. old testament, new testament, whatever testament you believe in you can’t shame anyone for doing something that your personal feelings don’t agree with. you can be stuck in your religious ways all your life but if something don’t directly affect you then HUSH.
cartoons, movies, television shows, books, magazines, commercials, romantic films, everyday life, advertisements, so on and so forth displays heterosexuality. shoving a specific sexuality down people throats from children to adults but 1 little lesbian character is a issue...K
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