The app that I have developed is called Safe Paths and uses Bluetooth tech and GPS in a smartphone to log location in real time for a long period of time, the app is intended to help in contact tracing efforts by maintaining our users' data privacy
...and also to store the user's location details for a long period of time which helps when interviewing positive cases since someone cannot possibly remember all the places they've been to or the people they've been in contact with
...I have also developed a web browser tool specifically for public health authorities and contact tracers called Safe Places which will be used to log the user's location data history, with their consent and will easen tracing interviews
...the Safe Paths app does not require internet connection but the Safe Places tool will require an internet connection and servers to run and store users' data, essentially, the app will help government entities to plan ahead of time
...the Safe Places tool enables government authorities to have a birds eye-view and to map out hotspots which is then relayed to the app and alerts users when they're at a hotspot, users are also able to get notified if they come across a positive case or if they're exposed
...users are fully in-charge of their location history data and can voluntarily choose to donate their status to other users of the app, but never have to worry about their identities since it is anonymized therefore their identities is kept a secret
...this approach does not seek to replace but rather augment the conventional contact tracing efforts that are currently in place to break down contact tracing to a community level
/7 overcome this crisis, ideally we need careful orchestration by the government and large businesses. We need tools for citizens and organizations to coordinate among themselves
...Safe Paths is about creating these privacy-preserving coordination tools. In the short term, we hope to beat the virus and this public health crisis. In the medium term, we want to build the coordination backbone to help restart the economy and in the longer term,
...we want to help build resilient societies. #KomeshaCorona
You can follow @kenyatta_jeff.
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