How is there not a show about a small newspaper? Getting tips about obviously untrue crazy shit and everyone being like 22 and ambitious but broke and the show’s “bad guys” are corporate and like an evil city manager
Clarifying: It would be a comedy
Everything about journalism is like “Going to fuck a source for news about the president” and never “It’s midnight, I’m eating Chex mix for dinner because there is $1.45 in my bank account and someone is emailing me about chem trails.”
Editor: “I know you just worked a 10 hour day but we need a story about it snowing.”
Reporter: “... You know we’re in Colorado and it snows.. a lot?”
Editor: 🤨
Reporter: “Daily story on snow, you got it.”
Unlimited material honestly
Ok last addition. Dramas and comedies like to have big, dramatic developments to get rid of characters. A shooting! Plane crash! For this, just a lay-off. Three in a season? Actually plausible! Need more characters? A merger.
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