THREAD: Exposure before Extraction

1. Many are screaming for the urgent EXTRACTION of corrupt people from their positions of power.

- If Trump knows, why the hell doesn’t he just do it?
- Why doesn’t he call them out?
- Why is he so cryptic?
- Why are there no major arrests?

- Why is Hillary not locked up?
- Why elevate Dr. Fauci?

These are all valid concerns ‘if’ humanity was to remain in the same old paradigm, where an invisible enemy maintains control over society.

But, we are leaving that reality!
3. This shift is into a new era of peace and unity.

It is a move into an entirely new experience for humanity and it is a journey that we are all taking together.


This invisible enemy cannot be EXTRACTED before it is EXPOSED.

Let me explain why…
4. This enemy is not arriving from across the ocean. It is not arriving from above.

An arriving enemy would be easy to locate and defeat. Our current quest is against an enemy that infiltrated humanity a long time ago. So subtle was its arrival that very few people even noticed.
5. If we stop and think about it, this is why darkness has thrived for so long.

We were taught that our enemies are ‘out there’, beyond the horizon. We never imagined that they may be amongst us; teaching us; informing us; governing us!
6. They remained among us because we couldn’t see them. Oh we saw glimpses, but we never really had enough momentum to fully EXPOSE it.

Even now, many people simply cannot imagine it to be true.

But the shift is moving into top gear.
7. The entire world has awakened and is putting their shoulder to the wheel.

There can be no short-cuts. We must allow this enemy to fully-reveal itself.

Anything less, will ensure they still have a hiding place.
8. To be clear, there's no actual army attacking us. We are in an information war.

This is because evil doesn’t want us to see the extent of their ‘influence’ over society (influence = control).

This enemy infiltration happened long ago. We just became aware of it!
9. The good news is that we are now entering the clean-up phase. Imagine we’re taking out the trash.

Once you see the infrastructure of evil, you are compelled to EXPOSE it.

Once conscious of it, none of us can simply un-know it.

We are duty bound to humanity; to ourselves.
10. To not speak up would be like not reporting a crime!

We hold this posture for everyone.
11. We notice that some people react angrily to even talking of these crimes. Such is the hold that evil has had over our collective thinking.

This is the VEIL OF DISBELIEF. This is the veil being removed.
12. Why must this EXPOSURE of evil be allowed to fully play out?

Because it is hard for anyone to believe a new truth.

Belief, or in this case disbelief, is a significant barrier to granting permission to receive a new awareness.
13. The power of the belief barrier around these crimes and corruption is understandable, because they truly are unbelievable!

They have hidden away from our consciousness.

Full EXPOSURE is required to pierce the veil that controls people’s minds.

It may take some time.
14. This means evil must become visible enough that everyone innately realises the truth of it.

We must know in our ‘knower’ that we know.

If this belief barrier isn’t fully removed then evil will still remain, because enough of humanity are not yet conscious of it.
15. Evil may not be hidden for everyone but they will be invisible enough.

Also remember, they control some large levers of power. They are also used to playing a very long game.

The Deep State calendar doesn’t measure days, it measures generations!
16. They are probably already planning how to program the next generation.

Folks, this requires a total shift in collective consciousness which means there must be FULL EXPOSURE for us all.

Humanity is at the crossroads. We must decide if we truly want to be free.
17. There is a profound spiritual enquiry taking place right now.

Think of it as a vote over whether we still wish to possess our free will.

This thread provides more detail, if you're interested: 👇
18. This vote must be an informed vote. This is why evil is being fully EXPOSED, because everyone must clearly understand the ballot:

Remain under control, in captivity
Be truly free

Unless the belief barrier is removed, people will not be aware of the choice required.
19. This means that evil must fully emerge, startling us into action.

Total victory is when we realise that this EXPOSURE is actually a good thing, because it encourages us to vote for its EXTRACTION.
20. Every time you see new layers of evil, celebrate that others will also be seeing it. Celebrate that our consciousness is moving through this time of cleansing. Celebrate that the reign of evil is coming to an end. Celebrate that we are moving into freedom.

Celebrate life.
21. Now, I understand that people struggle to believe all this. This just shows me they are pure. They can’t conceive of such disregard for the rule of law and for human life. Consider that a child could never imagine any of this! That is because the mind of a child is pure.
22. In this information war, keep your mind nimble.

Believe nothing at first glance. Always research the evidence, follow the money and don’t try and fit information into a particular belief. Discern.

If news feels too good to be true – it probably is.
23. With the recent exoneration of Gen Flynn, we’ve learned that the FBI will do anything to shut down conversations about truth. The Deep State media will do the same.

Look at what conversations are being shut down and which ones they want opened up.
24. The media will reveal what conversations they don’t want us having.

We cannot short-cut the EXTRACTION of evil.

It must be allowed to overplay its hand. EXPOSURE removes the veil of disbelief.

This will give it no place to remain in our collective consciousness.
25. People don’t need to know all the sordid details, but they need to know enough to unite with those who do.

As we use our consciousness to EXPOSE this darkness, we must never forget to nourish the light within as well.

This is a personal balancing act.
26. Never lose sight of the fact that this ‘enquiry’ is about whether we are happy to be controlled, or whether we wish to be truly free!

Here’s a funny clip (8:37) that sums up this ‘enquiry’:

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