ugh, twitter is giving me a sad today.
this exchange.
"very efficient"?

citation needed.
what's wrong with it is that I don't really like the idea of these murderers being a funny joke to white people.
"why can't I make light of something that's terrorizing black people? it's in the spirit of shaming racists."

no. it allows you to maintain a distance from white supremacy by turning it's violent agents into clowns for your amusement.
surely, there's a better way to confront racism than turning lynch mobs into cartoons.
(also, these "shaming" jokes often just devolve into gay jokes)
i guess these people mean well, but i can't help but think a moment of self-reflection & thought would provide them with the answers to their questions.

it just feels like maybe the weight of the loss of life, (specifically Black life) doesn't factor into their moral calculus
"a human being was killed by a white supremaci--

"yeah yeah yeah. don't they look funny? haha. i'm shaming them for solidarity."
there's a distinctly liberal mindset that shaming & ridicule can change people's hearts, which is weird.

especially when the hearts are beating in the chests of far right chudbuckets. they don't FEEL shame.
i mean, it's cathartic to dunk on people. but you gotta be careful that you're not making light of a situation that deserves more confrontation than a funny meme
frankly, liberals haven't been all that committed to confronting racism.
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