@alexhern @guardian #coronavirus #5G #nonscientific, #selfopinionated and #biased Someone who's career clearly relies on #tech, Please redo, using an expert in the fields of #microbiology #emf and #elo , preferably educated in these fields

@alexhern of course #5g doesn't 'make' #coronavirus. But it's well documented that #emf reduces the ability of #haemoglobins carrying oxygen causing #oxidativestress ,and reduces the brain from producing #melatonin, the thing in our #ImmuneSystem that fights cancers and diseases
And funnily enough, you answer the riddle yourself. Again, correct... it's not base stations that are the issue. It's things like this... emf, at high frequencies being fired down above us, from lower orbit satellites.
Maybe try doing some #investigative #journalism use facts, raather than your own beliefs. Usefact. Here... for starters... go on @WHO archived timeline of pandemics throughout the years, and check sat comm launch dates, right back to Sputnik
I'll give you a clue. In 1918, the Germans used the 'wireless telegrapher' first of its kind. What happened 6 months later?
How is this possible? Virions and prions, are found on surfaces of organic matter, all through our universe. On meteors, plant life, in the air, in our sea, billions of them. Stagnant pieces of DNA/RNA, still on the ground beneath us. Bits of junk leftover from another lifeform
That's right... 'vision it's not a virus till it's inside, reproducing. In this state, iut isn't considered living. It can't change, it can't grow, it can't multiple. It needs a host. But it's so small it's stuck on the ground, beneath our feet, uncharged, stuck.
What happens if I put a low frequency through the surface it sits on...
Then what happens to those tiny microparticles if I blast a frequency/vibration from above?
I'm charging tiny still particles, that are stuck, still and stagnant, with energy, from vibrations and releasing them into the air, at the mercy of wind. And guess what?...

With every new generation of sat com introduced... the virion capside size increases, along with MHz
Interesting thing about all I've just written? A conspiracy suggests someone has a dark motive, an underlying agenda, or some kind of political involvement.

I don't believe that at all. This is a scientific theory... and I've yet had anyone step up to challenge
Oh, and you want to be honest, well researched journalist, with good morals? Make sure to explain more about the heating you talk about, #2G #3G and #4G frequencies don't penetrate our skin, they run along it and off it. #5G does ... It penetrates your bone, organs, skin, the lot
So @guardian, enough of the poor basless standard of personal views. The blatant and callous disregard for science, facts and actual research, make me want to vomit. I'll leave you a clip on just how powerful Hz can be...

#frequency #virbrations #sound
So the phrase...
#5Gcausescoronavirus is incorrect...
But the phrase...
#EMF reduces our bodies ability to fight off diseases

Can't be disputed, it's been known since companies like Nokia and BlackBerry had warnings on radiation on the inside of their small warranty books
My theory? Coronavirus was already on the ground below us, hence why so many already have antibodies against it. It's been there a long time, it didn't just come out of nowhere. Or, miraculously appear on a while line of cruisliners. All of which used medallionet.
All it needed was the right frequency to get blasted at it, still and stagnant, charging it with energy from vibrations, to lift it from the surfaces... and we breath it in
And it's not a conspiracy...

This is a theory, based on various scientific facts, taken from various research in various fields.

Dispute it all you want, but I'd suggest you dispute it with the mountains of highly educated #scientists #scholars and #experts in their field
Experts like this collection, who informed the @WHO in 2018 I believe, or the potential effects to not only our health, but that of the #birds #bees #butterflys and other living organisms... including... you guessed it... bacteria and viruses http://www.5GSpaceAppeal.org 
Maybe then also want to do a bit of reading into what a #cryptochrome is, then you'll maybe also understand what electro 'magnetic' frequencies , have, and continue to give, reason to cause concern
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