New leaks published today by @TheGrayzoneNews and @aaronjmate confirm that the OPCW deceived in order to smear two of its most experienced scientists, @Tim_Hayward_ @RealDeeptiC @LenP91535865 @rogerwaters @SusanSarandon @pamfoundation @ClarkeMicah
1)Back in 2018 there was an alleged chemical weapon attack in Syria, and the US, UK and France bombed Syria within days of the event. Two cylinders containing chlorine gas had been dropped, supposedly causing the death of 50 odd civilians. @2ndNewMoon
2) Even at the time notable figures (former senior UK military) questioned the likelihood of the attack having been carried out by the Syrian government, for example see:-
3) A BBC producer, @Dalatrm, even stated he had found out that hospital scenes associated with the attack had been staged: Even though he has this critical information he has not handed it to investigators or elected officials. @bbclysedoucet @ShoebridgeC
5) In May, 2019, an engineering report was leaked to academics which detailed how the cylinders used in the alleged attacks had been more likely placed by hand, this indicating the alleged attack had in fact been staged:-
7) This was followed up with an open letter addressed to the OPCW, asking that they listen to the concerns of their inspectors who had actually been to Douma. Signatories included Professor Noam Chomsky and whistleblower Katharine Gun.
8) Multiple leaked documents have since been published by @wikileaks and journalists such as @ClarkeMicah have published reports detailing what really happened during the OPCW investigation. @khrafnsson
12) And @TuckerCarlson interviewed @couragefound attendee @steelejourno;
14) We have learned many important truths from all of the leaks and testimonies and the major scientific anomalies are summarised here
15) Of particular importance, however, are the revelations regarding the ballistics of the two yellow cylinders and toxicological evidence regarding the deceased at Douma.
16) We now know that the first draft interim report, written by the inspectors who actually deployed to Douma but which was suppressed by OPCW management, raised questions about the cylinders:
17) Once critical aspect here concerned the (completely) implausible idea that the cylinder at location 2 had broken through a roof to then bounce sideways across the bedroom, landing on the bed:
18) Another aspect concerned how the cylinder at location 2, found balanced over a whole in the roof, could ever have caused the damage observed
19) Detailed assessments contained in the subsequently leaked engineering report, assessing these anomalies and concluding the cylinders were hand placed, was suppressed and blocked from the OPCW final report.
20) Far more alarming is the information concerning how approx. 50 civilians dies at location 2. Although supposedly killed by chlorine gas leaking from the cylinder on the roof, the first draft interim report suppressed by OPCW management raised multiple concerns:-
21) Consultations with 4 NATO chemical warfare toxicologists confirmed that the deceased were not killed by chlorine poisoning at location 2 :-
22) Just as with the engineering report, this evidence was suppressed come the final OPCW report which obfuscated the clear assessments provided by the NATO CW toxicologists.
25) Unfortunately, attempts to conceal the truth about the OPCW and what happened in Douma have involved multiple attempts to smear and intimidate academics, researchers and whistleblowers. @MrsC_Assange @deepa_driver @Tareq_Haddad @khrafnsson @PeterCronau
26) @thetimes and @HuffPost have published appr. 20 articles smearing academics and researchers as 'conspiracy theorists' whilst ignoring the OPCW whistleblowers and the leaked documents. These attacks started the day the UK&US bombed Syria following the alleged attack at Douma!
27) Meanwhile the US government funded Bellingcat have repeatedly attempted to smear and discredit the OPCW whistleblowers and UK journalist Peter Hitchens.
28) Remarkably, Bellingcat's founder Eliot Higgins was caught deleting a tweet that confirmed the cylinder at location 2 had been manipulated by hand. As @MichaKobs explains:
29) We can see clearly in these images how the cylinder had been being rotated to line up a dent with the metal bar and tip the cylinder so that its nozzle is pointing into the hole: this is a manipulation of a crime scene and corroborates the suppressed engineering report.
30) But the worst case of smearing and deception came with the OPCW's investigation into the leaking of the engineering report. This represented a crude attempt to discredit two of the OPCW's most experienced and qualified scientists.
31) As @aaronjmate and the @TheGrayzoneNews show, the OPCW Director General made demonstrably false statements including the bogus claim that Ian Henderson was not part of the fact finding mission in Douma: @MaxBlumenthal @MaxAbrahms @joshua_landis
32) Despite the relentless smear campaigns, the truth continues to be told. Professor Paul McKeigue recently presented research findings to the Harvard Sussex Program on Chemical and Biological Weapons’,
33) OPCW inspector Ian Henderson has presented, via video link, the failures of the OPCW to the UN Security Council:
34) And new documents and statements continue to surface and which highlight the ways in which the OPCW has been corrupted by the US, France and UK. This message from a senior OPCW official reveals a culture of threats and intimidation at the OPCW
35) This whistleblower documents dismay at the actions of OPCW management
36) Whilst this statement reveals that dissent within the OPCW's ranks now extends to other investigations into alleged attacks in Syria which include the new IIT investigations which are tasked with attributing blame:
37) An OPCW corrupted by the US, UK and France is a clear threat to international peace and security. This corruption is also currently denying justice for these murdered civilians, covering up the truth behind their deaths.
38) There is, in view of all the evidence now in the public domain, a legal and ethical responsibility on the part of Journalists, academics and politicians to address the OPCW scandal. The organisation is corrupted, and it now needs to be radically reformed.
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