i’ve been dancing since i was three, and undergo professional examination set by the Royal Academy of Dance, so i can say with confidence that this “commentary” about jimin’s dancing is complete bullsh*t. first of all, this video is an analysis, meaning that it should +
be wholly objective, and the members’ dancing should be analysed based on a set of criteria—specifically a DANCE criteria if it’s to be sensical. yet, this “dancer” posits criticism about jm’s dancing on the basis of her PERSONAL PET PEEVES. disgusting. second of all, her +
statements are absurd. one of my favourite things to do is watch bts’ performances, whether it be live ones or dance practices, and i most definitely analyse them. while i watch the group as a whole, jimin is the member who always has my attention and it’s for a reason. +
he does NOT over dance or under dance. i’m willing to stake my life on this due to my thorough analysis of each fckin live stage he’s ever done. he is a professional, and he CONSISTENTLY gives every single performance his all. dancers, like me, are drawn to him bc we are +
in awe (and are envious of) his talent. i’m surrounded by the best dancers in my country yet jimin still amazes me. he has complete control of his body, from his face to his toes, and he masterfully moulds his form for different purposes. by doing so, his dancing suits every +
style of music. he is able to convey a dynamic range of emotions through his physical and facial expression and is seamlessly able to glide between them (e.g. MMA 2019). now, alongside this is the touching of hair. this movement is quite frequently used in dance as it’s sensual +
and alluring, teasing even. it is used to draw attention to the face, specifically the eyes and lips. imo it’s ridiculous that this is even their pet peeve as the ability to evoke desire and awe in the audience is one of the key foundations of dance. +
if this “dancer” is somehow blind to jimin’s skill, and is of such low caliber that they are unable to grasp the nuances of jimin’s theatrical techniques, then i sincerely pity their dance teacher. but, who am i kidding, this “dancer” is most definitely homeschooled.
here’s the link to watch. beware of possible development of brain damage:
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