For some reason I believed that The Magnus Archives were a podcast of roleplay.
My impression of the first chapter: Amazing, the format that they decide to work on is perfect and the sole introduction struck fear into my academic bones.
Going to use this thread to live comment!
Comments of chapter 1 I already shared with @/wlwsanqchenq:
"The introduction alone is scary, the big job of organize an archive of 200 years"
"I don't know WHY when he explained that he has a laptop i keep picturing the setting on 1950"
The tone in which Jonathan said "check out this drunk creeper lol” the "lol" part particularly kill me.

Starting chapter 2! ✨
Episode 2 is called "Do not open" and something tells me that someone is GOING to open it.
My dude Joshua out there being the typical tourist, lmao
High out of his mind and about to do the favor to some weird stranger for 10,000 pounds
dude, a beard? seriously-?
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