Because May is #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth , I’ll be posting information about mental health daily.
This infographic is directly from the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Results are from 2018. African Americans are one of the demographics least likely to pursue mental health services. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
Here’s a video that discusses how good parenting early on in life can slightly combat the effects poverty has on human development and the life course. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
Anyone that may be struggling mentally during this pandemic, check this out and share with others in need.
Let’s end the stigma.
Childhood trauma and your physical well being
Let’s watch out for one another. Suicide prevention hotline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255.
Here’s a video on coping with anxiety
Myth: People with bipolar disorder are moody.
Fact: Bipolar disorder does not cause mood swings. It causes cycles that last for weeks or months. People so often throw around the term “bipolar” inaccurately.
When this is done, it downplays the seriousness of the condition and creates misinformation about what bipolar disorder actually is.
Bipolar disorder causes episodes of mania (high energy, rampant thoughts, inability to sleep, etc.) & depressive states (feeling sluggish, sad, suicidal, having low self-esteem, etc.) These extreme highs & lows take turns, but do not change or swing from moment to moment.
LGBTQ teens are SIX times more likely to experience symptoms of depression than their heterosexual counterparts. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
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