Filing a legal action involves A LOT of research and preparation because the court can EASILY dismiss a case esp when it is not supported by strong evidence & solid legal basis. Legal basis means the provision of the law which was violated. Now lawyers would have to make sure —
—that the case is strong enough for the court to take jurisdiction (hear the case). Considering the anonymity factor of the situation, it will take sometime to get the identity of the account owner. I’ve seen news articles saying Tw*tter cooperates with such kind of cases so —
all the screencaps of sl*nder/def*ma*ion made by accounts w/c we’ve been sending to them will serve as evidence, hopefully strong enough to make the account owner LIABLE. The lawyer will then have to prepare for the actual document which includes the narration of the incident—
legal basis of the violation and that he/she should be held liable for that. It is the primary duty of the lawyer to ensure that the violator will be held liable and it has to be well substantiated in the actual document to be filed in court thus it takes time to be finished—
Once the action is filed in court, there is still a legal procedure for everything. Both camps are given opportunity to be heard & defend their side before the court can decide. It will take months or even years before a case is closed, depending on the gravity of the violation—
As much as I really want them to release a statement on that matter, my legal mind is saying there’s a possibility that this is a strategy of their lawyers to successfully make those accounts liable. It may not please us as fans but the end goal is to make those accounts liable—
I’m in no way defending the company’s silence on this matter but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt bec it could be their legal strategy. Cases can be filed even if the def*mat*on was committed years back so I know for sure they’ll eventually be held liable sooner or later—
Given that the legal process takes a lot of time, lets not get discouraged because of the company’s silence. I’m pretty sure this matter already reached their legal team & they’re doing the necessary work. Instead, lets work together & bemore vigilant in protecting taeyong—
Lets do a silent revolution against those h@t3rs. Lets protect taeyong by doing away w/ situations where people can twist our words bec of our tweets. Do it silently to avoid attention ➡️block, report, take screencaps & send them to the proper emails. Create GCs to disseminate—
information about what needs to be done or whatever platform you can think of. Lets do this strategy in protecting taeyong bec for sure the company wont do any damage control. Lets just continue to give them STRONG EVIDENCE & let their legal team do the rest.
Follow @LTYGlobal & @ltyprotect for more information on how we, as fans, can protect Taeyong. Lets always spread positivity & love for Taeyong 🌹

If you have any legal question, feel free to send me a dm & I’ll try to answer them to the best of my knowledge 😊
You can follow @taeyong1st.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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