Who Are These Bond Vigilantes Anyway? The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt Ownership in the Eurozone
Very happy to announce that this has finally been published: https://twitter.com/MPIfG_Cologne/status/1257955428295757824
Several tweets will follow, including a summary
First of all, a big shout-out to all the people who have helped & supported this project through discussions and feedback. Thanks a lot to @C_Lapavitsas @sanha926 @DanielaGabor @JeromeRoos @BJMbraun @Liliann_F @hsc55 @DanMertens @fichtner_jan. A summary (1/n)
->SUMMARY THREAD: here is a new, orderly summary thread (voilà @ggargiulo3). Apologies for not having figured this out before and re-posting this. See the old summary thread for all the people who helped in this project one way or another. 1/25
The project was inspired by Streeck's Buying time to try to understand the structural power of financial markets over states ("market discipline"). Streeck rightly points out speculative nature of his claims -> we simply don't have disag. data on bondholders 2/25
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