Trend Rules

1.) Rules while tweeting

->Copy Tag from only trend page and paste in ur tweet

Wrong Ways

Only tag ❌
Tag + number ❌
Tag + emoji ❌
Tag + emoji + number ❌

Right Way

Add some text + tag ☑️

👉 try to add some text even for photo or video
2.)How to retweet

->Go to official trend page (campaign,trendPSPK)

->Go to tweet with TAG & CLICK ON TAG

->only retweet those tweets

🚫Dont type tag by ur own ❌
🚫Dont take suggestions of tag from twitter ❌

video 👇
3.) Number of Retweets and Tweets

👉Backup accounts leni vallu 3 retweeets vesaka one tweet veyandi

👉2 to 3 Backup accounts una vaallu 5+ retweets ki one tweet

👉3+ backup accounts unavvalu 8 to 10 retweets ki oka tweet
4.) Important Points

👉Official Trend pages peru + DP tho vere accounts unte ventane vaatini report & block cheyandi

👉trend madyalo wrong tag vasthe ventane dhanni mute cheyandi

👉Dont only concentrate on DRAFT posts & tweets,Retweets are very important for speed
You can follow @RusthumHere.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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