#AhmaudArbery, Game of Thrones, the GOP, Black Lives Matter and Law Enforcement.

Let me hip you to the game. Stick with me. I'm going somewhere with this. 1/
Remember in Battle of the Bastards in Game of Thrones when Ramsay Bolton killed little Rickon Stark? He could have killed him before the battle or after it, but he did it in front of Jon Snow. Why? He wanted to enflame his passion and force him to act without thought. Rickon 2/
was the bait, but Jon Snow was the target. Ramsay Bolton knew that once Jon Snow's life was in danger, his army would rush in to defend him and Ramsay could spring his trap. Welcome to GOP dirty and deadly politics.

In the couple of years leading up to the 2016 election, 3/
unarmed black people were murdered by police for the smallest infractions and sometimes no infraction at all. Usually, these state-sanctioned lynchings would be caught on camera because the cops would still murder the people while KNOWING they were being filmed. They weren't 4/
worried about being filmed during their egregious and criminal misuses of deadly force. Eventually the videos would be posted on social media and black Americans would be rightfully enraged over these cold-blooded murders. We took to the streets. We demanded justice. 5/
Peaceful protests were escalated by cops into violence. We saw this over and over again on tv. Suddenly, it was look at these black people rioting. White people are not safe! Democrat presidential candidates had very little to say. Obama slapped such a flimsy Bandaid on it, it 6/
never had a chance of sticking. Not only did law enforcement become emboldened in their wholesale murder of unarmed black people EVEN WHILE BEING FILMED, other white supremacists felt encouraged to join in. Many black people that could have voted in the 2016 election didn't. 7/
Why vote when Dem leaders were silent to unarmed black people being murdered by police? What good was voting going to do to save your life? This was the GOP's plan and the culmination of their wet dream. Frightened white voters who had previously been on the fence now 8/
decidedly in the GOP camp, black voters not voting because they felt that it didn't matter who's in office they still weren't going to get equal protection under the law, and white supremacists getting the encouragement they needed to come out of the shadows. Trump gets 9/
elected, riding a tsunami of racism right into the White House.

Now, it's another election year and here comes #AhmaudArbery. Brutally hunted and murdered while jogging down the street. Someone just happens to be driving along a quiet neighborhood street recording with 10/
their smart phone (because who doesn't?) Someone who seemed to anticipate the murder of #AhmaudArbery and wanted to make sure to get video of it. Law enforcement sits on this video for 2 months and then it is miraculously leaked. Now black Georgians, rightfully enraged, 11/
descend on the McMichael's (the murderers) house to air their grievances. And who's right their to record it and make sure it gets on tv? Why Fox News. That's right. The Republican's friend.

If recent history is any indicator, the murderous McMichaels will not face justice 12/
for the stalking and heinous murder of #AhmaudArbery. More likely they will be financially rewarded and made into white supremacist "heroes."

But we must learn from the past. Heed Sansa Stark's words to Jon Snow before the Battle of the Bastards...Don't Do What They Want 13/
You To Do. We have to out think them. We can't afford to play into their hands this time. They want us apathetic about the political process. We can't afford to be. Simply because we bide our time doesn't mean we forget. It just means we got smart.

If we play to win, we can 14/
for #AhmaudArbery and we can get justice for ourselves.

Don't. Do. What. They. Want. You. To. Do.

It's time to be the chess masters instead of the pawns. 15/15
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