As a therapist, I laugh when I see 'get help/see a therapist' rhetoric from fanpol/antis. Sorry sweetie, I'm actually more concerned about YOUR behavior.

I provide therapy to clients w abusive backgrounds who have/are going to prison. These fandom folk aren't them. Trust me.
Things that I find concerning:

1: death threats to strangers over fiction
2: Public shaming/attacking to the point of intense fear/stress towards others- and LAUGHING about it
3: I’m right/you're wrong- fuck u
4: Knowing your triggers but still actively engaging with the content & negatively affecting your health (plz block if you don't want to see it)
5: cult behaviors-connecting with others for who you hate not for who you are as a person (aka no unconditional positive regard)
6: Claiming that one AP psychology class makes you qualified to speak about mental health (and discuss MH in a negative way). I had to go to grad school and then residency= 7 YEARS. Take a seat.
People cope and engage with fictional content differently. I LOVE people. I'm an empathetic softie. Guess what my favorite show/character is? Hannibal. Do I want to kill/eat my clients/people? FUCK NO. Do I love twisted fiction as a way to decompress? YES.
Engage/create in fandom the way you want to. Block who you need to. Make sure you surround yourself with supportive people who love you for you, not what you can produce/hate for them.

Take breaks when you need to. Please block content you feel is triggering.
Fandom is a great way to decompress from the pressures of reality. I know I use Twitter/fandom as an escape from my own career/life.
If you feel defensive towards anything I've said, take some time to sit with the feelings & see what other feelings come up below those. What emotions/memories come up? What physical sensations? Maybe find your own therapist to hep reflect and discuss them with. <3
This has gotten wat bigger than I ever imagined! Trying to respond to everybody but may need to mute to not be stuck on Twitter all day.

Essentially, be kind to others and don't engage in bullying behaviors you wouldn't want done to you. Block as needed and walk away vs engage
OMG this blew up!

1 more point to make: in grad school they always stressed empathy for all, leave your trauma/biases at the door. If you can't do that, you can’t be a therapist. You WILL do more damage than help. I had classmates be asked to leave the program bc they couldn’t
I have clients from all walks of life. Even CSA’s who are going to prison. Some therapists struggle with these clients & refuse to see them. I have strong coping skills/supports & I am able to provide therapy bc I believe in rule #1- even though I am a CSA victim myself.
"How can you help someone like that?!"

It's my job to. If they truly want help and are reaching out, I'll sit in the muck with them and support them as they save themselves.
You can follow @Lemon_Zester.
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