quote [Sam Faddis 3:27 mark]: "none of these things are just isolated actions by individuals....what we are looking at is a plot....what we are looking at is a conspiracy"
quote: [Sabrina DeSousa 3:46 mark]: "this was an attempt to bring down the President of the United States"
quote: [Sam Fiddas 7:29 mark] "this was not just the Bureau [FBI]...we know that Brennan kicked off the whole focus on the Trump establishing what he calls...his terms...a fusion cell.."
quote [Sam Fiddas 8:40 mark]: "the foreign dimensions of this thing...what was being done to the Trump campaign outside the United States..."
quote [Sabrina DeSousa 11:30 mark] "I think that once more information is declassified it really is going to present a really horrifying covert operation.."
13:00 mark onward *pls listen*
later, I am going to transcribe those 5 minutes.
quote [Sam Fiddas 12:47 mark]: “..this is not the organization we joined… contrary to whatever grade "B" movies have been made for decades…in my experience in the Agency not only did we not mess around in domestic politics (which we’re not supposed to)...
..but the average guy or gal would not want to be within 10 miles of a domestic political issue…like the first thing that would happen.. if somehow or another..something came up operationally & and you realized..
.."oh, wait a second we’re somehow now getting dragged in close to American political activity"…every instinct organizationally and individually would be “no”. It’s not our job… and we do not even want the smell of this..
..we don’t want to be within a 100 miles of anything that anybody can even claim constituted us interfering in anything to do with the United States domestically because that’s not our gig…so if anything we would run away from that.. when you think about Director of Central Intelligence (DCI Brennan) saying straight up... “yeah, absolutely I set up a fusion cell and brought all these people together and our entire focus was the Trump Campaign”. that's' *Mind Blowing*.. maybe the average person.. again who doesn't have context... thinks that is what the Agency [CIA] does all the time… *but that is not at all what we do*..
listen up.
quote [Sabrina DeSousa 14:20 mark]: “..there is a law [against CIA domestic interference]..that is the reason for the Fusion Center I know there is a reason for a CI focus of the Fusion Center..because once you do that you can elevate the classification of everything..
..everything all kept under wraps.. no one talks about it... no one has access.. that would be the way you would run an operation to bring down a U.S. citizen... the President of the United States."
quote [Sam Fiddas 14:59 mark] “..what you just said is absolutely precisely right.. yet another one of those things that most people have just skated by… because they don’t understand the business and there is no reason they should..
..the whole point of establishing what Brennan calls a Fusion Cell (but what is in fact.. I won’t use the exact terminology because maybe that is classified..) what we are talking about is a Counter Intelligence Unit..
..and it [Fusion Cell] is set up at his [Brennan] level.. and because it is Counter Intelligence, exactly as you said, then everybody is going to function…it is going to be very tightly held and very compartment[alized]..
..and the explanation to anybody who wants to ask questions within the organization is.. it’s a CI counter intelligence thing… meaning, don’t ask any questions… meaning, you are not going to be fully briefed...don’t expect to be fully briefed..
..and therefore it gives you the capacity to reach out and tell people all over the organization to do things ..and many of them [Agency officers/personnel] would never be briefed on the broader context… they would never understand what the big op was they are part of..
..because they would be told it is a CI thing…"need to know".. don’t ask.”
FTR I take a different view on Gina Haspel's knowledge (than @Sadiso & @RealSamFaddis) I do not believe GH was read in fully or understood the extent of what Brennan & his inter-agency Fusion Cell were doing. Until shown otherwise, I will give her the benefit of the doubt.
reportedly, she has been cooperating with Barr and Durham. The President of the United States continually speaks well of her (unlike Wray for instance) so until shown otherwise, I choose to believe this. #Haspel
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