Bit late for #MayThe4thBeWithYou but here are some unseen Solo concepts
(thanks to @PhilSzostak for the ok 👍)
Did quite a lot of swoop bike designs. Bit of x-wing foreshadowing going on here maybe 😬
Another swoop bike. Early on we were exploring a sort of tribal feel.
A rare photobash for me. Falcon docked at what would become Savareen (I think. Locations and names change a lot during development phase).
development sketches and final painting for Vandor (very McQuarrian shape language here of course) #Solo
More development sketches - approaching Dryden Vos’ hangout and more Vandor habitat stuff. I remember drawing these on a flight to NZ to start working on Mortal Engines. Seems like a different world now.
Something very Star Wars about a domed roof. More here on a snowy Vandor.
sketchy thumbs for Han and Chewie arriving at Dryden Vos’ evil boss-type lair #solo
Vandor variants. Did a lot of these 😬 #solo
The docking platform, a perennial SW favourite #solo
Mudtroopers on Mimban #solo
Imperial shipyard on Corellia #solo
Elsewhere on Corellia - Han tinkering with a speeder in his garage #solo
Corellia backstreets
Another view of the Imperial shipyard on Corellia. Han’s speeder here designed by the brilliant Patrick Faulwetter.
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