THREAD. Joe Biden should immediately move to mitigate the damage done by Trump. He should publicly promise a Legitimacy Agenda.

1. Assuring whistleblowers against the Trump administration who are victimized by political appointees that they will be re-hired with back pay. 1/
2. Warning purchasers of oil/gas leases on public lands that the leases will be voided and improvements made thereon will be forfeited, to create disincentives for the abuse of public lands.2/
3. Propose legislation requiring financial vetting of all candidates for federal office, including release of tax returns, reporting of all conflicts of interest, and codification of what constitutes an illegal emolument. 3/
4. Propose elimination of the Electoral College, or a federal statute requiring an EC vote which follows the popular vote.

5.Re-enact of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

6. Make fed Voting Day a national holiday, allowing all citizens to vote without penalty 4/
7. Pass fed law mandating Congress to independently investigate the executive branch, and to independently punish perjury and contempt.

8. An expansive effort to rehire middle-level managers/career officers at fed agencies, who have fled to escape the lawlessness of Trump 5/
9. Propose Federal statutes setting out enforceable standards for representation and determination of equitable Congressional districts, established by nonpartisan commissions to accurately represent the will of the governed. 6/
The U.S. should never again be at the mercy of a bitter and vengeful minority which governs as the dying gasps of a racist and misogynistic system which will stop at nothing to protect their privilege. Fin/
A couple of other thoughts:

Biden should warn trmp appointees that they will be held criminally responsible for destruction of evidence.

He should announce legislation for an independent bipartisan fedl commission to run all fedl elections, to prevent GOP voter suppression.
One other point in the Legitimacy Agenda:

Biden should assure allies and enemies that American foreign policy will be reversed. Alliances will be rebuilt. German bases will be repopulated. Russia will be punished. More important, Putin will be punished.
OK, one more example for the Legitimacy Agenda. Biden should warn Putin that he will be held responsible for Russian meddling in our election. Not just Russia, but Putin personally. He will be doxxed. His financial information exposed. His account numbers and passwords exposed.
Another point for the Legitimacy Agenda. Transparency.

Some NDAs should be unenforceable as against public policy. NDAs that muzzle governmental critics should be void. NDAs that hide financial or moral sins of politicians should not be enforceable as far as relevant to election
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