Things have been bad, but America is headed for an incredible disaster. Have a look at this graph.
And here are the associated deaths. Both still rising.
Despite this, more than 30 states have chosen to start easing social distancing laws, even though pandemic experts say it’s a huge mistake. They say restrictions shouldn’t be eased until cases have been steadily reducing for two weeks.
So why are governors in these states easing restrictions? Because protestors (who have been encouraged by their President, right-wing commentators and Twitter bots), are in the streets demanding an end to the tyranny of lockdowns that stop them from being able to move freely.
In Stillwater, Oklahoma, city officials had to walk back a rule that people wear face masks while inside, because employees at newly reopened stores and restaurants were being threatened with violence for trying to enforce the rule.
Meanwhile, in New York, where almost 25,000 people have died in the last two months (most of them in NYC), this photo was taken by @Welcome2theBX on the weekend. There was a warm day in the West Village so people gathered at the Christopher St Pier.
If you check out the responses to @Welcome2theBX’s tweet, you’ll see it filled with a variety of responses including that the photo is fake, that the coronavirus is a hoax, and that people have a right to choose to take this risk. Many of these responses are from confirmed bots.
Other states like Georgia, which has some of the most aggressive reopening plans, is still recording 1000 new cases a day. Malls, gyms, bowling alleys etc have been given the ok to reopen. Even the ‘shelter in place’ order has been abandoned. Risk of infection has risen 40%.
Meanwhile, Trump who champions the reopening of the economy, is apparently getting great reviews for producing the ventilators that Americans will need as they drown in their own fluid in the field hospitals he has created for them.
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