Reinforcements have arrived for Mama Zarr! Probably make a thread for painting these guys as I hope to use a lot of the stuff I've learned so far. Just bare with me while I wait for black primer to arrive 😭. #warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer40k
Primed with chaos black. As their armour will be primarily black I only gave them the thinnest prime for paint to adhere to. I'll be using Vallejo black to tidy up armour last anyway after all the messy details. #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer40k
Will be hitting the helms and ribbons first with Ushabti bone. It's my go to Ulthwé Colour. Applying it on black base will take a lot of patience and watery layers. I'm using the brush that nearly made me say FUCK to the GW staffer that handed it over and asked for £14 😂
I haven't been too good at updating this thread. Using the phone too much for audible lol. Base layers nearly down on banshees. God they have some thin bits when you've been painting Primaris and Custodes for months 😭 #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity
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