THREAD (Friend in need)

I spoke to my friend Mario today after a long long time. He said he feels like King even after retirement.
But there is a small problem in his life. One of his servants who has served his family throughout is tired by continuous losses in Gambling

Every year, his servant Paul has lost money in Gambling, state after state and country after country.
Now the servant is tired and he wants to relax in some godforsaken place in Near East. God knows what is that.
Paul is a servant who has pretty colourful life.

Tired by losses in Gambling, he wants to give up the being servant. He wants his name changed from Paul to Prince. The Gazette run by a Monk is against such change. But media wants this change of name.
Another source of resistance for Paul to change his name to is Hillary.

Hillary is childhood friend of Paul who is married to a crook called Anthony.

Anthony wants to become King after my friend Mario retires but Mario is not willing to retire.

That's what he told me. But media speculates that the fault lies with the legal advisors of Mario.

The legal advisors of my friend Mario are sycophants par excellence. They have milked King Mario over years through high fees in Brahmand Court.

Still they are clueless how to win a case for my friend Mario. This is another source of frustration for the servant Paul.

Paul cannot even rely on these legal old eagles to change his name to Prince. Trust issues?

Paul, the servant has started learning Ludo from Mahabharata to impress other gamblers. But learning doesn't help, he needs to win in some of the states where Gambling is allowed.

After a big convention near the coast of Normandy, Paul calls for the reform of Kingdom. He is yet to get permission from the shrewd Monk at Gazette to change his name.

After this convention, he realises that locals have cheated him in Gambling.

Another conclusion from the Normandy Convention is that King Mario (who is my friend), has amassed huge wealth without which changing name from Paul to Prince is not possible.

But Mario remains the boss of the business and the cold war consumes Paul and the crooked Anthony

Amidst the Cold War after Normandy Convention, Paul felt that conventions are hopeless and people do not practice "Social Distancing."

Over and above that, people indulge in some funny Boi-Gurl Looocker Karagriha discussions.

Paul has decided to boycott conventions.

Paul has started interviewing candidates. He talks less, hears more as usual.

These candidates will later be used by Mario Corporation for Image Management at Global Level.

Hillary continues to fight in Land of those who sell Ferrari. Anthony is absconding.

There were 5 candidates interviewed by Paul and his old associate Samuel Patel.

However, only 3 interviews were released in media because the other 2 required too much editing

The interviews released were not carefully edited and thorough mockery was made by biased media

Considering the state of affairs in Mario Corp, King Mario called me. He said that the assembly line products of "Chacha University" are not in line with expectations.

I told Mario that corporation must think about Hillary. Employees think she can do a quick turnaround.

Hillary seems to be promising due to her flamboyance, Paul is completely lost in the orgy of intellectuals which the crooked Samuel Patel has been organising.

Hillary's approach is "Bottoms up"
High Spirits!

Paul's approach is "Top down"
Massage 5 times a day.

In a deep discussion with Crooked Samuel on slowdown, Paul again expressed his desire to become Prince.
Paul has been a servant for two decades. Now he wants crores of servants.
Samuel being a Royal Servant of Mario Corporation is very committed.
He has some ideas!

Finally after discussions with all the intellectuals of US, he organises the biggest convention of Milky Way.

The location for this convention is Mars and a scientist from US called Velon Mask has made a Special Purpose Vehicle to carry passengers from Normandy to Mars.

On the way to Mars, Crooked Samuel Patel ensures that all the "desires" of Paul are met fully.
Fortunately, a video clip of Paul's escapades gets leaked to a Journalist.

This same Journalist was humiliated by Chacha (founder of Mario Corporation) in his previous birth.

In this birth, the name of this Journalist is Augusta Cosami. He is owner of "Remember Bharat"

He had vowed to make Mario Corporation bankrupt in this lifetime. Cosami remembers how Chacha had curtailed his Freedom of Speech in previous life.

So now Cosami has the clip.

Because of his revengeful attitude, Cosami has been running Paul's clip on "Remember TV" for 24 hours in repeat mode.

This 1-minute clip gets played 1440 times in a day

Watching this is a pleasure for people in the Land of Monk.

In this clip, Paul is playing with Barbie

This funny clip has become source of embarrassment for servants and slaves of Mario Corporation.

People in the Land of Monk keep mocking them on how Paul will never become Prince

The servants and slaves continue to be loyal to Paul but also know that Hillary is last hope

After coming to know about Cosami, Crooked Samuel is furious. He summons Cosami to his "Internet Revolution Office"

Cosami is not afraid and confronts Samuel. Cosami The Brave is unfazed. He tells Samuel that Mario Corporation must unwind it's operations from Land of Monk

Crooked Samuel is furious. Samuel has been a life long slave of Mario Corporation

Samuel is also furious with allegations by Cosami that the Board of Directors of Mario Corp. are corrupt individuals

Samuel decides to file FIR against Cosami
Corruption > FoE as per Samuel

Anthony is negotiating with Gallactos to buy Land on Mars using Zero Profit Theory

Hillary is busy charting growth plans for Mario Corporation along with "Vibhishan"

The next target is Temple in the Land of Monk. The Temple is located across the best river in the world.

Paul, the greatest servant of Mario Corporation has started suffering from Insomnia. The shrewdness of Monk has been overwhelming for Paul.

Paul now thinks that he is an ALCHEMIST who can create Gold from Potatoes. Amidst the Lockdown, Paul had TRYST WITH JOURNALISM. 😂😂

Looking at the chaos in Mario Corporation, my dearest friend King Mario called me for honest advice

I said, "Crooked Samuel should be kept away from functioning of Mario Corporation and he should be deported to Planet Mars."

Mario agreed.😂
Samuel said, "Hua toh Hua."💥

Paul had his TRYST both with Alchemy (Potatoes to Gold) and Journalism (Intellectuals). The only TRYST he has not had with is DESTINY. Chacha University students are not happy with this.😂

Now begins his TRYST with a new subject MATHEMATICS (not ECONOMICS). 🤔

Paul started his first lesson on India's gift to world. ZERO.

Confusion (not scam) has rocked the Mario Corp. after "Monk" made a DIVINE INTERVENTION OF ZEROES.

Paul told his slaves to count the number of ZEROES using infinite series methods developed by Great Ramanujan
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