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#MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #mentalhealth
1) "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" that of course applies to mental health. Keep pushing through and the harder it gets the strongest you'll be when you succeed.
9) The movie Interstellar. Idk watching it it feels like earth is so small such a tiny little thing it made my problems a lot less daunting. It's a kind of movie that makes you question humanity and I think it's beautiful!
20) Nutella + peanut butter... that's the tweet
26) The character of Ellie. In tlou part 1, she represents life for me, she had hard times, and still manage to be a cheeky funny person which I what I'm not. It proves a lot of things
18) Nature. Today I went on a hike in the woods it was really beautiful :)
8) random beautiful things that pop out of nowhere.. today it was te most gorgeous sunset I've seen and I was blasting some @sadgirlsloan it was the best!đŸ”„
15) Naps. Firstly because it's basically my only source of sleep and second because it kind of resets your mood. If you feel anxious or had a bad day it resets your feelings for the rest of the day.
3) Nature. Walking in the woods seating down somewhere no one can see you and playing some chill music is a massive vibe.
4) Sport. Preferably with friends, I love climbing as you have the objective to go on top of your boulder, it empties your mind and leaves you feeling accomplished afterwards.
17) This song by sasha sloan, the lyrics are very very relatable.

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