[2/40] I wrote my first thread about Linda Culkin in late January, 2019. She died five weeks later, on February 27th, after being struck by a car while walking to her home in Quincy, MA. She had only been finished with her probation from her Kevin Spacey court case for a matter
[3/40] of months. Two more Kevin Spacey accusers, massage therapist Celso Alves and Norwegian royal Ari Behn, would die in 2019, making Culkin the first of three Spacey accuser deaths to occur in a ten-month period.

Linda Culkin was prosecuted for and pleaded guilty to sending
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[4/40] threats to Kevin Spacey and his associates. However, the part of her story that was conveniently omitted from any and all news stories about her prosecution and publicly available court documents from her case is the undeniable fact that alongside
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[5/40] the threats she sent to Spacey, Culkin also undertook a relentless campaign of writing online about Kevin Spacey sexually abusing underage boys, years before the subject was finally exposed in the mainstream news thanks to accounts like those from
[6/40] Anthony Rapp @albinokid and the anonymous accuser in Vulture, among others, in 2017.

A recurring feature in Culkin's onslaught of online messages back in the day was her claim that she personally knew a young male sexual abuse victim of Spacey's.
[7/40] The May 1st, 2019, National Enquirer / Radar Online article about Culkin was the first publication to bring this to light, stating, "One of Culkin's young male patients told her the details of an alleged attack by the 'American Beauty' actor."
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[8/40] @entylawyer mentioned it, too:
[10/40] Kevin Spacey drugging his victims with roofies was one of Spacey's alleged M.O.'s that Linda Culkin exposed, as early as 2011. Here she refers to Spacey committing "slucking" (likely a conflation of "sleep" and "sucking.")
[11/40] In late 2017, this same M.O. was finally revealed in the news when The Sun wrote that a man reported to London police that Spacey had committed the same act on him after the man fell unconscious in Spacey's apartment. He awoke to find Spacey performing fellatio on him.
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[13/40] https://twitter.com/RVenerande/status/1077024178304208897
[17/40] Spacey's supporters have claimed that the Spacey victim boy Culkin knew wasn't real and that she just "made him up." If that were the case, then how could Culkin have known about such a specific M.O. of Spacey's, that had never been carried in the news prior to Culkin
[18/40] talking about it? Likewise, while there has been online chatter about this roofies M.O., none of it that I have seen pre-dates Culkin's mentions of it, so she couldn't have "gotten the idea" from reading those.
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[19/40] If anyone is aware of any references to Kevin Spacey usinng roofies on guys that pre-date Culkin's (the earliest if which I know about is from April, 2011), please let me know.
[20/40] Culkin also wrote about Kevin Spacey unzipping young waiters' pants and sticking his hand down boys' pants, just like what was revealed years later that he has repeatedly done in incidents like the Nantucket groping case, among others.
[23/40] In the above Tweet, Culkin warns that Spacey will be up to no good in public men's rooms. The below three Tweets refer to this M.O.: https://twitter.com/RVenerande/status/1077024180736946176
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey #TheOldVic
[25/40] Culkin knew that Spacey was up to no good at the Old Vic. In 2017, the Old Vic received 20 complaints about Spacey's sexually abusive behavior from when he was Artistic Director.
[28/40] Kevin Spacey said in his victim impact statement in Culkin's court case that Culkin's behavior caused him "eminent fear." But has Spacey ever stopped and given as much consideration for the fear that he has caused his sexual abuse victims?
[29/40] While it's true that Culkin let her overheated temper get the better of her and made threats (in a statement to the court, she said, "I didn't mean it to be so harsh"), the behavior of those in Spacey's camp wasn't much better.

Spacey's Trigger Street producing partner,
[30/40] Dana Brunetti, was a co-complainant in Culkin's court case. Brunetti used to Tweet to Culkin, telling her that she should kill herself and that he wanted to see her dead.

Some examples of that can be seen in this thread of mine: https://twitter.com/RVenerande/status/1188690650914406401
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[31/40] Culkin was also subjected to hacking. Many of Culkin's Twitter accounts that she had used to Tweet about Spacey were hacked into and defaced shortly before Culkin's January, 2012, arrest. The hacker changed the display names on the accounts to
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[32/40] "Jail" and "Jail Bound," and left the taunting message, "This account has been hacked. Have a nice day." The hacker later acknowledged handing the accounts' log-ins over to the authorities.
#LindaCulkin #KevinSpacey
[33/40] Culkin's Tweets from these hacked accounts were used as evidence in her court case. Any intrusion and trespassing by an unauthorized party into these accounts could easily be seen to constitute evidence tampering.
[35/40] In @TomJunod 's famous Esquire article, "Kevin Spacey Has a Secret," Spacey is quoted as saying he will sue people for libel if they lie about him. If Spacey would sue someone for making such a relatively innocuous - albeit false - statement as saying that Spacey had
[36/40] starred in a pornographic film, then how is it that Spacey has never sued Culkin and others for saying that he sexually abuses underage boys and drugs young men with roofies? Perhaps because he knows that a defense to a charge of libel is that the statements made are true
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