Look Gemini, I love you but we need to talk. [ THREAD ]
This is for all my Gemini placements and I might drag ya in the process, but I think thats so typical for Gemini: to be dragged.

I love ya with ALL MY HEART and I will FIGHT to the death for you (I am also Gemini Rising) but....
Ya have got to stop acting so damn foolish. Let me explain. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the messenger God, and he would often deliver the message but not in the right context.
I feel like with Gemini, Mercury becomes more like a jester/prankster who likes tricks, but is also completely unaware of social context. If they’re relaying a message to another God, they don’t relay it in the best tone, because usually their tone is opposite of the message
Let me explain. Jupiter, the planet about perception, growth, and expansion, is in Detriment in the sign of Gemini, which means its hard for Jupiter to pan out and see the bigger picture in this sign, because of Mercury’s influence.
So when Gemini speaks, something that Mercury rules, it often gets relayed as information removed from the social context. An example is telling a BAD joke to someone crying at a funeral. They wanted to say that message but didn’t think if it was socially appropriate.
So Gemini’s its not your fault you have a hard time being aware of the social context, but it is something to work at. However one thing I really admire about this is that you guys dont give a fuck about what others say because you’re so socially unaware.
I love to use the word aloof because it really describes how you guys act. You just talk the way you think out loud, as if you were talking to yourself, and there isnt a care in the world on whos listening.
And this is why when other signs say they’re unbothered, they’re NOT unbothered and they are BUTTHURT. But GEMINI, nah: you mfs dont have a care in the world and thats goals tbh.
This means you guys are just able to speak your mind freely and share your opinions regardless of how others feel, which is why Gemini placements tend to catch a lot of heat about what they say.
You could say for Gemini there isnt a deep emotional attachment to others feelings, so hurting others feelings may not even be a thought in the world. It just doesnt exist in their world.
If you think about it, water and air are very opposite in the temperament spectrum. Water is: Cold and Wet, while Air is: Hot and Wet. They both share that same temperament but they are on opposite ends of the other axis.
Air in nature is very light, and emotions are naturally very heavy, and you cant tie down air with emotions, the water just passes and falls right through them. Because there is a lightness associated with Air, they tend to not be too emotional.
Dont get me wrong, everyone can feel feeling regardless of their sign, but some people aren’t programmed to think about how others feel as first instinct. For some, it may be a constant reminder that “oh yeah maybe i shouldnt say this around this person”.
Gemini, as a mutable sign, I admire how FLEXIBLE and how GO WITH THE WIND you guys are. Mutable Air is the most go with the flow typa person. Mutable is already flexible because its the 3rd month in a season where it starts to change and becomes a combo of seasons.
And as an air sign, that has the Wet temperament, you guys are so malleable and flexible in terms of your form (whether this be identity or different ways to convey emotions or reactions)
These are the kids who’s parents told them they could be anything they wanted to be, and thats because they can. They have a million different skillsets in their arsenal and they are not afraid to use them.
Gemini also, being ruled by Mercury, has a tendency to absorb a lot of information and kind of take it into their own knowledge database; if you need someone to get info for you: go to a Gemini. They literally know so many people and network so much (Mercury)...
and its to the point where they realize its a SMALL world. You can know many people in 3 major cities, and find out they all know each other, and you’re like HOLY SHIT. So Gemini has their connections.
And also because theyre ruled by Mercury, they are GREAT at sweet talking. They can come up with things on the fly and have some sort of charisma. Leos and Geminis can often be mixed up in terms of energy because both are high in charisma.
And when I say charisma, to me it means that they radiate really bright energy, just like the Sun, and this is why Mercury also likes to be in Gemini.
Its actually very interesting that Mercury is in domicile in Gemini when Mercury can only travel 1 sign away from the Sun. Gemini is two signs away from the Sun. This has so much symbolic interpretative principals in it.
The fact that Gemini, the diurnal side of Mercury, likes being farther away from the Sun means that they like to have autonomy over themselves and not be forced to only work for the Sun (Virgo, which is why they’re often associated with doing everything behind the scenes..
but instead BTS its Behind the Sun). This allows Gemini’s thoughts to not be influenced by their perception and how they view the world, and how they identify with themselves on the inside, not outside (the Sun).
I admire Gemini’s for their flexibility air their nomad like energy so much. There is such an air of freedom associated with them, and thats why they’re so optimistic and aloof: they’re free spirited. Its a beautiful thing to see and you have to admire how amazing it is...
to not give a care in the world and just be happy with yourself and yourself ALONE. Trust me, when Gemini tells you they dont give a fuck, THEY DONT, its not even a thought in their head to give a fuck, and its amazing.
Gemini: no matter what, keep preaching and saying what you have to say regardless of how others feel. Don’t let other peoples feelings get in the way of your freedom and ability to move with the wind.
Gemini is really big Mary Poppins energy: she’s here for a while, and then she’s gone with the wind.
I also just have to admire how optimistic you guys are as well. Especially the Gemini suns, they will just figure out a way for things to work, because they’re that quick on their feet, and can think of solutions in SECONDS.
Mercury isn’t good at reading the room and social awareness, but they’re aware of manipulating language to be in their favor, and this is often why they always get their way: they’ve studied you, found your soft spot, and now they’ve charmed you into whatever they want.
Mercury is really good at reading body language and understand the reactions that each word evokes. Gemini placements would make GREAT majors in linguistics and psychology. Understanding how the human mind works is so Mercurial.
Its the study of stimuli, how other things react to even more things, and how everything has a chain reaction. Gemini is a very observant sign, like its pair, Virgo (also ruled by Mercury), but the difference is their download speed into their brain is 1G/1s.
They somehow have so much information and analysis on how things work in seconds and then they can actually put their knowledge to use. They’re literally some of the smartest people.
Gemini’s asset is communication and interaction: because they interact with so many people, reading them and picking up on their emotions is so easy. I said Gemini was kind of emotionally detached but that doesnt mean they cant read others emotions, they just cant CONNECT.
They cant connect their own emotions to another person, because there is just too wide of a gap of understanding. Gemini placements wont even begin to tell you how they feel because you would’ve had to be them and lived their life to understand how it impacted them.
So, because they know everyone is so different and separate on a psychological and sympathetic level, they emotionally distance themselves but are happy about it! Its very optimist behavior. Like this meme. Virgo is #1 and Gemini is #2 lolll
I admire Gemini’s social skills because they can mentally connect to others with words and language so fast, but it becomes very shaky ground to form friendships on. Air is light, and hard to walk on, so Gemini’s friends will come and go with the wind (and they’ve HAD MANY)
Their experience and just EXPERTISE in social skills is the BEST. So socially confident and knowledgeable. It’s undoubtedly extremely sexy to be able to SWEET talk with such fluidity and smoothness. Geminis are SUAVEEEEE
I should add that Gemini’s words often to get twisted and aren’t taken seriously, which is an issue for them, because they not tryna be funny all the time. In Kanye West’s ‘Runaway’ the part at the 6:00 mark when a heavily electronic vocodor is processed through Kanyes voice
is often the feeling Gemini experiences. They speak a whole bunch, but no one quite seem to understand them. They hear that they speak, but everything they say just sounds too abstract or foolish to others.

Gemini: I understand what you’re saying and its not foolish
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