You can't tell, but I mentally said this in red-text. Witches keeps their promises, so here's the Umineko Ep 3 meta-thread.
Oh wow as engaged with the game as I felt for the last hour and a half, I was stunned when I went-back and counted to see I had sent 40+ tweets through those two scenes (half of which were just me kink-shaming Battler and the Sisters of the Seven Stakes).
The secret to live-tweeting appears to be "I can still tweet really frequently as long as I don't allow myself to use the backspace button button even once".
By which I meant reading more Umineko after dinner tonight bc starting Episode 3 and going on a 10-day hiatus is even more pathetic than my One Piece pace
Also realizing a nice thing about meta threads is when I link to my place in the main thread it removes the need for a bajillion bookmarks.
I had to sift through and delete like 20 One Piece posts to find this thread, but once I did, it made finding my place on the main Umineko thread super easy bc I'd linked to it when I signed-off.
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