London, November 1940: ripping down blackout panels and loudly demanding the streetlights come back on because it’s been two months already and people just aren’t meant to live like this
Smashing up the wireless set because it keeps feeding media lies about a so-called “Blitz” designed to control us with fear
“More people have died of flu than buzzbombs!*

*here in Berwick-upon-Tweed
“The best thing we can do is open back up and let Coventry burn to the ground so it can’t burn anymore.”
“For the vast majority of healthy people a V2 produces nothing more serious than a mild buzzing noise.”
“Why are we sending children out to stay with relatives in the countryside? Why disrupt their education when so far there have been so few direct hits on schools?”
“The Blitz only killed 0.23% of the population of London! Why did we make such a big deal out of it?”
Britain, 1940: with the nation’s supply of figurative language diverted to the war effort, Londoners must make do with clumsy, uninformative analogies. A black market for apt similes soon emerges like a sock on a badger.
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