1. My question is:
Of those who tested positive for #COVID19, how many of them received the 2019-2020 flu vaccine? 💉 Nasal or injection?

Where are those numbers? And why isn’t anyone asking that question? 🐑
2. Ok Follow the trail here...
CDC vaccine 💉 selection process:
Labs send repr. viruses to 5 W.H.O. COLLABORATING CENTERS for refer. & research on influenza located in👇🏻 Including Beijing China: Natl Institute for Viral Disease Control & Prevention.
WHO Recommends - “made avail”
3. ... “These viruses are made available to WHO laboratories, vaccine manufacturers, & other public health partners in research institutions.”
WHO are those?
Are you surprised the CDC site links are “service temporarily down?” I’m not 🤨
Just makes for more work... need to dig..
4. These are ‘some’ the links missing. Here is the Beijing China “WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE - Chinese National Influenze Center (CNIC) & National Institute for Viral Disease Control & Prevention (CDCD)
5. I couldn’t get “CNIC” . org site to pull up at the time.
This is the CDCD site👇🏻
I’ll be back to this in a few...
6. CDC’s WHO Collaborating Centers - Six WHO Centers.
“The center is ALSO responsible for making candidate vaccine viruses. Candidate vaccine viruses are prepared flu viruses USED BY VACCINE MANUFACTURERS TO MASS PRODUCE FLU VACCINES.”
👉🏻 Remember including China.
7. WHO Collab. Ctrs . GRSIS “WHO Collaborating Centers work together with vaccine manufacturers to ensure the suitability of candidate strains for inclusion in seasonal vaccines.”
👉🏻”Reassortment vaccine seed viruses are RETURNED to the WHO Collab. Ctrs.”
8. Vaccine Development: PIP Framework
“Under the PIP Benefits Sharing System, Manufactures of influenza vaccines, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals the use GRSIS make an annual monetary contribution to WHO💰.

Committees assembled by WHO comprises reps from the 6 WHO Collab Ctrs.
9. For the United States, “the FDA makes the final decision about vaccine viruses for influenza vaccines to be ‘sold’ “
via a Product Advisory Committee.
11. How might China fit into this & specifically Wuhan Lab?
Article 1/4/2018 “China’s first bio-safety level 4 lab put into operation” none other than WUHAN biosafety lab (Sino-French Coop)
China’s CDC 👉🏻 And WUHAN 👉🏻 Chinese Academy of Sciences
12. Food for thought folks. 🍞 🥖 👀
I do think there’s more to this story & more to dig. #QAnon
That’s all from me for now. Bless the Baking 🙏🏻😊
#WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening
13. Oh. This just popped up of @SecPompeo 😁
Listen closely, 👉🏻What if it can be BOTH.😏
Is there a possibility that it came from the Wuhan lab AND man-made or genetically modified.

https://twitter.com/quicktake/status/1257039659764416513?s=21 https://twitter.com/QuickTake/status/1257039659764416513
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