Okay guys! Questionnaire thread.. Torture Edition 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 https://twitter.com/brownie__xx/status/1256992471311159297?s=21
1. Cut the person slowly with a knife or razor?
2. Hang them upside down or hang them normally?
3. Crush their fingers or their Toe nails?
4. If you’re to forcefully take out a nail what tool are you using?
5. Forcing live cockroaches down their throat or dead cockroaches?
6. Would you treat the injuries you inflicted on the victim and re-injure them or you’d rather just let the injury rot?
7. Forcing needles down the penis hole or long Suya sticks?
8. Putting paper bags over their face from time to time or putting their face over boiling water for the steam to give them some skin care therapy 💀💀?
9. Punching the stomach every hour or weeping their laps every hour with a horse whip?
10. Putting pepper on the places you cut open or rubbing gutter water over the injury to initiate a nice infection?
11. Putting rat in a bucket and placing it over their stomach then putting fire over the bucket or cutting their tummy open and rolling out their intestines slowly while the victim is alive?
12. Put their balls in boiling water or crush it with a hammer?
13. Pouring acid on the vagina or pouring freshly blended pepper over it?
14. Using a plier to take out one ear or using a pair of scissors to do it?
15. Hanging your victim with their legs widely apart and setting up a bon fire in between their legs or tying them up and dumping them in a big Oven at medium heat till you can smell their meat cooking?
16. Should I continue or you’re scared?
17. Would you force their butt hole open with a wine bottle or turning stick for Eba?
18. Are you pushing their eyeballs into its socket with your bare hands and if No what tool are you gonna use to do so?
19. Are you tying the nipples to a rope and dragging it till it comes off or you’re taking the easy way out and chopping it off with scissors?
20. Are you tying your victim to the back of your car and driving at 140km/hr on a bumpy road or a smooth road?
21. Are you slicing the upper lip or bottom lip of your victim?
22. You have your workers open the eyes of your victim wide. Which of the liquid are you dropping every minute into the victims eye.. acid, salt water, pepper water?
23. What are you feeding them for breakfast that’s if they make it through the night 💀 piss or shit?
24. Forcing maggots down their ear drums or live earth worms ?
25. Are you locking them in a cage filled with rats, scorpions and snakes or a cage filled with dogs, rams, and a crocodile?
I hope you loved this thread and fed your dark fantasies tonight! Thank you for answering as always 💀❤️
You can follow @BROWNIE__XX.
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